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The following information is based on our opinion and the opinions of others.  Any of this information may or may not apply to you or anyone else and hopefully you can find a health care facility that can correctly treat you.  Please be alerted to the fact that information changes on a regular basis in medical technology.  What applies in our information could be stale and in some cases inaccurate.  Check with your current medical provider for the latest in treatment information.    


We are going to start this feature on calcium by relating its use to our agricultural days in upstate New York.  Calcium content along with a proper balance of magnesium was critical as calcium balance regulates the chemistry of not only plants but human health as well. 

We were fortunate to have a super source of lime from a mine only a few miles from us in Lee Massachusetts.  They had a perfect balance of calcium and magnesium in their lime product and in fact we found that when we achieved a perfect balance we were able to reduce the amount of chemicals needed on our crops substantially.  The  healthier a plant  the less vulnerable it is to predators and disease.  Of course this applies to human health as well.   

We used an airplane with a rather technical spray apparatus  ( Hydraulic atomizers for impingement)  that could actually reduce the amount of chemicals applied to a factor of 100 to 1.   Just think of spraying  a block of 900 apple trees,  35 ft. in diameter, 25 ft. high with just 50 gallons of spray water.  This saved us cost and reduced the amount of chemicals our patrons had to deal with. 


The surprising benefits of calcium: 

All the benefits you will read in this feature and throughout our many features in regarding the vital mineral Calcium can be directly attributed to the fact that the best food sources of calcium and they are listed below in this feature in our personal intake are derived from the fact that calcium foods have complimentary minerals magnesium for one.  This compliment adds to the bodies mineral stability and (Total Alkalinity) that mitigates any acids that are presented to the body. 

A perfect example would be the extraordinary benefits of fish (Our favorite is Portuguese sardines) that not only have omega 3 fatty acids but also the calcium and other minerals to again  mitigate whatever amount of acids are generated by the meat in the sardines.   Exercise is another one, that if practiced aggressively in a cardiovascular program is an acid forming activity but vital.  Any meats are acid but should be limited to no more than the area in the palm of your hand at a sitting.  Here you will be obtaining the sufficient benefits of the meat/protein,  but yet balancing the alkaline/acid benefits with the food contents themselves along with complimentary food sources (added to the meal)  as in green raw vegetables.  This is synergy at its very best.

I have a personal practice where I take a fairly nice tootsie roll of roast beef to start my day but we make sure that the roll has a nice amount of spinach with the meat to counter not only the acid aspects of the meat but also the iron content of the beef.  Ironically spinach has a nice compliment of iron that has a neutralizing affect on the iron and the negative nature of the iron in meat.  We call it fighting fire with fire. 

Incidentally calcium from natural foods have this same attribute in neutralizing inert calcium deposit/wastes,  one example calcium oxalates as in kidney stones.  Here again is a fighting fire with fire approach by ingesting the right calcium source to mitigate the ill effects of calcium that has changed its characteristics from good to bad.  An example of this is the calcium wastes that are generated when the body is called upon to cannibalize the bone matrix itself, and in the process leave a terrible residue for the body to handle and in many cases are in able to handle without dire health consequences.

You know you need it for strong bones, but calcium protects your health in other important ways, too.  Here is what this amazing mineral can do for you.

Calcium Functions

Calcium is responsible for construction, formation and maintenance of bone

and teeth.  This function helps reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis.

Calcium is a vital component in blood clotting systems and also helps in

wound healing.

Calcium helps to control blood pressure, nerve transmission, and release of


Calcium is an essential component in the production of enzymes and

hormones that regulate digestion, energy, and fat metabolism.

Calcium helps to transport ions (electrically charged particles) across the


Calcium is essential for muscle contraction.

Calcium assists in maintaining all cells and connective tissues in the body.

Calcium may be helpful to reduce the incidence of premature heart disease,

especially if adequate intakes of magnesium are also maintained.

Calcium may help to prevent periodontal disease (gum disease).

Calcium helps keep the weight off.

Research suggests that if you don't get enough calcium in your diet, you're

likely to be overweight.

The reason has to do with your body's response to a calcium deficit.

When you're low, your body thinks you're starving and enters emergency



Calcium protects your heart.

If you're low on calcium, researchers say, you're more likely to have high blood pressure. Your body releases the hormone calcitriol in response to a calcium shortage, and calcitriol acts on the smooth muscle walls of your arteries, constricting them and elevating your blood pressure,


Calcium improves premenstrual moods.

A 1998 study led by Susan Thys-Jacobs, M.D., of St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital in New York City, found that getting enough calcium can ease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.


Calcium protects against colon cancer.

Adequate calcium intake may reduce your overall risk of colon cancer and suppress the growth of polyps that can lead to cancer. Researchers don't know exactly why this happens, but it may be linked to the excess calcium that's left in your intestines after your body absorbs what it needs. On its way through the colon, this unabsorbed calcium is believed to bind with cancer promoters so they're excreted together from the body.  Studies have shown that both food sources of calcium and calcium supplements provide this protective effect.


Calcium maintains healthy teeth.

Calcium protects your teeth in an indirect way. Your teeth themselves are relatively inert, meaning that the calcium they contain usually stays there.

Your jawbone is the potential problem.  Like other bones, it gradually surrenders calcium for needs elsewhere in your body if you're not consuming enough. As your jaw weakens, your teeth loosen, creating gaps where bacteria can invade, triggering infection, inflammation, and bleeding.  In fact, the condition of your teeth and gums can be a window to the overall health of your bones as well as  your entire cardiovascular system.


Autoimmune reaction

The lack of a mineral balance can trigger an allergic/Autoimmune reaction.

The body needs minerals and in particular calcium. Calcium is the bodies regulator almost like a microprocessor in a computer. Keeping the body balanced with enough alkalinity is critical and eating acid foods is counter productive big time.

When the body is deprived of calcium it goes into an emergency mode and actually cannibalizes your bone matrix to obtain enough calcium to buffer the acid assault as come hell or high water the blood pH must be maintained at a 7.37 pH and the body mechanism is determined at all costs to maintain this balance.  Is this incredible or not?

Now there is a big down side to this process because as perfect as Mother nature is these emergency events can leave an unwanted residue in the process and this unwanted residue is the bi-product of what is left in its wake after the cannibalizing event. It shows up in the blood as excessive calcium that has gone awry. This calcium bi-product is inert and just a lot of trouble. It certainly is not a calcium form that can be adequately metabolized.

This is where the autoimmune system comes forth and tries to neutralize this residue and dispose of it. Unfortunately this creates the havoc that the autoimmune system is notorious for. In fact it can turn into a full blown disease and cancer can be close behind as in myeloma, a blood cancer issue.

The Sun and Calcium
We would like to think that everything we have been doing, diet, raw fruits

 and vegetables, sun exposure (My wife's last 25 hydroxy Vitamin D test came

 in at an excellent 51 nl/mg reading,) We had a cancer specialist at the

 University of Pittsburgh tell us that a Vitamin D test goal around 70 was

 critical in cancer patients. Don't buy your GP telling you a paltry 30 or so

 reading is O.K. With some D supplements (With my wife presently taking

 4000 units a day supplemental ) and 20 minutes early morning in the sun

 with little to nothing in apparel we have achieved this optimum 50 level for

 "normal" patients but it is important to monitor calcium levels and make

 sure they stay in the safe range.
REMEMBER Ca (Calcium) IS AS IMPORTANT to humans as plants..

Did you know calcium is only absorbed in the small intestines with adequate

 vitamin D, but excessive fat, oxalates and in-organic phosphates inhibit

 calcium absorption. Less than 15% of the Ca in homogenized milk is used

 because of the heating process which kills beneficial enzymes and makes Ca

 unavailable. What a shame!!! Best sources of Ca is a raw dairy products,

 calcium lactate, almonds, whole grain seed and dark green leafy vegetables.



Note: We have a serious reservation about dairy products and use a minimum to obtain our calcium. We do use a Whey Protein that is a milk product from grass fed cows. It is organic and we feel the negative effects that a milk product can be for some is buffered by the synergy from the other foods that are taken with this protein product. It also has a compliment of calcium derived from the milk product.

The sun enhances the critical role of calcium absorption. There are some cases where one takes in a good amount of calcium as in seafood with bones, from canned sardines, tuna, salmon. Cheeses and certain vegetables such as Kale and Spinach that have not only generous amounts of calcium but have complimentary minerals in these foods to buffer excesses. Excesses in anything is a potential problem.

We believe it would be difficult to overdose on calcium from natural foods as above, but you could run into a problem relying on supplements for the majority of your calcium needs as they may have value, but are lacking the balance that nature provides in live foods.

On the other hand a modest amount of supplements taken with calcium foods could be a very valuable combination as diversity in calcium intake is as important as the diversity in most anything, especially nutrition. Optimum ionization depends on a generous and diversified mix. With a diversity we believe excesses are mitigated, but what the hell do I know, I am only a retired fruit peddler. I go by the saying "The body takes what it needs and gets rid of the rest" but I might add "It gets rid of the rest if the right conditions exist". The right conditions do not always exist, hence heart disease, Alzheimer's and all the rest thanks to tissue acid wastes.
Now I will give you an example of how we personally handle our calcium and magnesium needs. Incidentally one of the foods with the highest amount of magnesium are pumpkin seeds. I eat about 100 everyday, on our cereal, on our salad, out of hand, in our smoothies. Chew them good.

4 days a week we have about 4 ounces of either tuna, salmon or sardines in a salad for lunch. Don't forget some extra virgin olive as there is nothing more beneficial than adding olive oil to a super omega 3 fatty acid as in canned fish out of the cold waters of the north west. Sardines out of the Mediterranean sea off the shores of Portugal and this general area. Sardines with the bones come in at about 250 mgs of calcium (3 ozs) where Tuna and Salmon about 225. Even though these numbers are somewhat generous we would remind you that again it is the form in which it is presented to the body. You can always increase your amount by eating a whole can of Sardines. I like cutting up a full can of sardines and putting them into a Progresso soup like the Manhattan or New England. In the New England I drain off the potatoes as you don't need that carbohydrate.  I drain off most of the potatoes and carrots in the Manhattan chowder as well.

Vitamin D is best produced by the Sun and the best choice over supplements. Vitamin D has so many benefit we can't even begin to enumerate them, from bone loss to your immune system and in particular your lymphatic system. The sun is an Alzheimer's crusher.

The fact is that Vitamin D dictates not only the absorbability of calcium in the intestines, it controls all the calcium in the bodies functions including the brain. This was our personal practice and learning 101 in our agricultural career. Calcium content in the soil was the microprocessor for all the minerals in the soil and their individual electrolyte functions as well as hormone production.

It has been recently revealed that it is calcium deposits in the brain that could be the responsible villain in Alzheimer's disease. They know it is deposits and calcium is notorious for unwanted deposits. We all obtain calcium in various ways. Some calcium especially where there is an abundance of Vitamin D3 intake and magnesium will be properly absorbed and properly metabolized. This is why I subscribe to Sardine intake with its total compliments. Tuna is a good source of vitamin D and calcium if they do not remove the bones. Most Tuna retains the pin bones (More below)

This process can be easily compared to a combustion engine. Some engines are fine tuned and burn the majority of the fuel it uses. Some engines are out of whack and wastes are produced and accumulated in the engine parts. The body mechanism is not any different. I might say that the type of fuel used in an engine is similar to the fuel we ingest for our engine.

There are situations in bone loss cases where the body is not obtaining enough calcium and actually cannibalizes the bone matrix of the patient. This generates a very significant source of calcium and the nature of this product is devastating to the body and a perfect storm for unwanted calcium accumulations. I happen to believe this is a arthritis thread.
Few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Sardines which have an abundance of important nutrients, including potassium, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-12, iron and calcium in the tiny sardine bones, are a good source of vitamin D. I personally eat 3 to 4 full cans of Sardines a week, about 4.25 ounces at a sitting and in fact for 1 lunch a week I take a full can, chop up the sardines and combine them with a can of Progresso soup either the Manhattan or New England clam chowder. It is a delicious treat with all the nutritional trimmings.
Now I am not going to get into our other calcium food intake here, but the days that we do not eat canned fish we supplement with calcium and magnesium but modestly. In fact on these off days from canned fish with their bones, the supplements total about 250 mgs or about 20% of the daily RDA. This minor addition compensates for the 250 mgs that we are lacking on the days without canned fish.

Few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Sardines which have an abundance of important nutrients, including potassium, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-12, iron and calcium in the tiny sardine bones, are a good source of vitamin D.
Keep in mind that the RDA total calcium recommendation for a mix of foods and supplements are around 1200 mgs a day of calcium.
I personally believe that especially on the days where we eat canned fish with the bones, along with other calcium laden foods that we exceed the 1200 mgs RDA. Again to repeat we don't have a problem with the body handling foods with extra calcium over the RDA,  but we are very careful how much calcium we take from supplements. If you take calcium supplements make sure there is about a 3 parts calcium to 1 part magnesium content.

While magnesium helps our body absorb and retain calcium, too much calcium prevents magnesium from being absorbed. So taking large amounts of calcium without adequate magnesium may either create malabsorption or a magnesium deficiency. Whichever occurs, only magnesium can break the cycle.
So with an abundance of calcium laden foods and supplements and an adequate sun intake it is conceivable one could go overboard especially if you rely on supplements. Periodic blood tests with the calcium reading along with the 25 hydroxy Vitamin D test will tell you the story especially if you are taking in Vitamin D via supplements. Remember Vitamin D is a driver in absorbing calcium.
All CBC blood tests will give you the calcium number. They should be in the good range.
I personally believe that your calcium balance that stabilizes your chemistry is one of the most important issues a cancer patient or one preventing it can address.
Again it is worth repeating closely monitoring your urine pH first thing in the morning with a target of 6.5 pH will tell you whether you are obtaining enough total alkalinity minerals. If you are running acid (under 6.5 that indicates you are not obtaining all of the right foods and/or you are eating too much in acid foods.

Below are some notes regarding our personal calcium intake. The first 3 items below are just a sample of the amount of calcium in certain items, in these cases per ounce.

The present intake information is our attempt to try to assess how much calcium we are taking in and what items we are ingesting to do it.

You will note that all of the foods we eat are natural with only a minor adjustment in supplements on our days when we do not eat fish out of a can and I might add we eat the best fish money can buy out of the cold waters of the Northwest. The adjustment is a compensation (about 250 mgs of Calcium) There is also a calcium carbonate addition to a little soymilk we have on our morning cereal and although the claim of 300 mgs is reported we have found that calcium carbonate (Tums) has a much less elemental amount of actual calcium and really is not a big factor in our overall calcium intake.

General Calcium sample measures in mgs

10 mixed nuts - 1 oz about 70 mg calcium

100 med pumpkin seeds - 1 oz about 12 mg of calcium

2 table spoon flax seed 1 oz. about 50 mg calcium

Present Intake 10-15-10

Soy milk 1 cup 30% of RDA 350 mg (Soy milk using calcium
carbonate) brings a reduction of elemental calcium to
about 125 mgs.

Fish in cans with bones 1/2 can, about 2 ounces, about
1/2 cup, about 200 mgs calcium.

2 portions Spinach (A cup, about a good handful compressed
in one measuring cup and into the smoothie) 150 mgs calcium total

1 portion (a good handful) of Kale (compressed in the cup)
into our smoothie 75 mgs calcium

Extra veggies in smoothie, Chard, Wheat Grass, Aloe Vera (out of our garden) parsley, basal, spinach total 100 mg (a guess) Could be 200 mg
or more. Again we are not concerned with an excess of calcium derived from natural live foods.

The greens in 2 salads a day. Guess 150 mgs. Calcium.

Nuts 5 in morning, 5 for lunch, 5 smoothie, 5 supper Aprox.
150 mg total calcium

Pumpkin seeds 100 throughout day 12 mg calcium.

Flax seed 2 table spoons in morning ground up on cereal,
1 table spoon in smoothie 75 mg total.

Calcium breakdown condensed Daily

Soy milk 125 mg elemental

Fish in cans (4 days a week) 250

Spinach in smoothie 100

Greens in salad 100 mg Calcium

Kale 75

Extra Veggies 2 salads 50

Nuts 150

Pumpkin seed 10

Flax seed 75

Cottage cheese in salad 50

Black beans in salad 50

Yogurt 150

Extra Veggies in smoothie 100 +

Just about a 1200 mg total on days when we have fish. Days
without fish one should consider supplements using Life
Extensions Bone Restore. With 5 capsules of Bone Restore
logging in 1200 mgs of Calcium. 1 capsule would log in at
about 250 mgs. This would just about compensate for the
days without fish.

While you may not think that caution is necessary for eating certain foods, both kale and collard greens can present health problems if you are taking a blood thinner such as warfarin. The reason involves their vitamin K content. While a good source of calcium, these greens are excellent sources of vitamin K. This nutrient is essential for proper blood clotting. However, individuals taking warfarin must monitor their vitamin K intake due to an increased risk of bleeding. Both contain well over the RDA of 90 mcg for women and 120 mcg for men. The Linus Pauling Institute recommends consuming no more than 90 to 120 mcg of vitamin K daily, and avoiding large fluctuations in intake if you are using a blood thinner.

Below is a great link to calcium foods.

Below a great link on Calcium and the Sun

This information is intended to heighten

awareness of potential health care alternatives
and should not be considered as medical advice.
See your qualified health-care professional for
medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and

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