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                 Cholesterol & Free Radicals



CHOLESTEROL We hear you should lower your  cholesterol if it is 200 or more by some Doctors and this is usually determined by other symptoms or the lack of.  Stress tests could be ordered as well to determine whether medication is in order.  It is not necessarily the amount of cholesterol which causes the problems, but the amount of oxidized cholesterol, the cholesterol which has been damaged by free radicals, just like butter which turns rancid.  Most Doctors assume everyone who has cholesterol 200 or more is a walking time bomb with damaged cholesterol.   This is not always the case though.  If you have a disposition to the negative characteristics of high cholesterol primarily due to an atrocious diet, your goal should be more directed at correcting your diet.  There has been recent information that eggs and shell fish that have high cholesterol content are not responsible for the ravages that can be brought on by high levels of Cholesterol.  Genetic relationships are another cop out that for the most part we don't buy into.  The genetic connection we believe are the habits that have been handed down in the kitchen versus the molecular/dna connection.

There is a direct connection to cholesterol and vitamin D production.  It is a study in itself.  I personally have a recognized (by the medical establishment)   high level of cholesterol around total 230.  230 usually triggers off a Lipitor prescription from your GP.   In my case with no signs of heart disease, a rather high HDL level (between 60 and 70 ng/ml and my personal beliefs in cholesterol as it relates to Vitamin D production I have forgone cholesterol  medication.  In fact we have recently read that driving cholesterol readings down to 150 and lower could be counterproductive to adequate vitamin D3 production.  Lipitor can drive your reading down,  even with a low dose of 10 mg. 

Personally  depending on my HDL reading and an insistence by your GP I would adjust my cholesterol to around the 200 level,  by adjusting the daily dosages, but this is my choice and the choice you will have to make.  I would strongly advise you to get on the Internet and obtain the huge amount of information there is on the subject and discuss it with your GP.


Less oxidation

Now there are a few ways that you can reduce oxidation in your Cholesterol.  Reducing oxidation in your cholesterol reduces it in everything, protein for one and this is desirable.

Going on a vegetarian diet will do it because eliminating cooked foods is one of the ways to reduce oxidation. 

For those that refuse to go vegetarian like me they must drastically reduce cooking foods at high heat  and purchasing food as in refined grains and sugar along with cheaper cooking oils cooked at high temperatures.

For those that have an occasional piece of meat even with its animal fat or even a cookie that has been prepared at high heat this is where your anti-oxidant intake comes into the picture and fruits and vegetables lead the list in this role.   Our favorite free radical anti-oxidant killer is our daily green smoothie and we would encourage you to open up our feature

Supplemental anti-oxidants pick up the balance of your free radical anti-oxidants needs to do the job.

So theoretically there could be those that may  have an accepted level of Cholesterol, but it could be in a state that will give them problems.  Conversely you could be up in the 200s and because of your lifestyle and intake,  especially the amount and diversity of anti-oxidants you take in,  you may not be at any risk at all.  In fact you could be at more risk subjecting yourself to statins.

Proteins as well suffer a similar fate of oxidation and damage when over heated fats combine with the glucose molecule and the protein molecule  is disabled to some degree.  When protein molecules are disabled they do not do the job they were meant to do, and then to compound the problem, the renegade molecules that have become dislodged, go about doing their dirty deeds.

20% of the brain consists of cholesterol.  With the normal high concentration of cholesterol  in the brain,  if you have lower cholesterol, you could have problems in the brain.  Can a Doctor guarantee  that lowering your cholesterol does not  deprive your brain of something you need?  I don't know of a Doctor that guarantees anything.  Now he could say I want to lower your damaged cholesterol to the brain,  but I will need your cooperation..  "Well o.k. Doc now we are talking,  so what  I should be doing is  lowering the amount of damaged  cholesterol naturally,  without relying on the long term consequences of you playing games with my liver".

With all of this brain business going on could damaged cholesterol have  anything to do with Alzheimer's disease?  What do you think? 

"An idle mind saturated with damaged cholesterol is the devils workshop and  the devils name is Alzheimer's"  

Every cell in the body contains cholesterol, and if you lower the level, the liver will try to compensate for that.  Could lowering your cholesterol screw up your liver?  Just listen to the ads and how they caution you on the liver implications.  Oh sure have your Doctor check your liver enzymes before he starts you on a statin and hopefully the horse will not get out of the barn before the next liver test. 

Incidentally my wife had an occasion where she was running low in a hormone (thyroid) and her cholesterol was elevated and we have read that this is common for cholesterol to elevate when there are hormone deficiencies in different parts of the body.  Once her thyroid was regulated the cholesterol came back down.  Cholesterol acts in a "compensatory" fashion.  Cholesterol is a dynamic element in the body for better or worse depending on how you conduct yourself.  If your cholesterol is higher than "normal" whatever that is, perhaps there is a reason, other than Grampa Sy passing it down to you as in the ad on T.V.  What is the jingle "Apple pie and/or Grampa Sy"  Sure blame it on old Grampa for your errant ways,  he has big shoulders, especially when you don't have the will power to take matters into your own hands.  The biggest misconception with Cholesterol is that the body does produce about 80% that can be excessive from genetic channels.  Food sources of cholesterol are relatively minor such as the previous misconception of eggs.  What they don't tell you is that 100% of your cholesterol where ever it is derived,  is affected by what you eat and especially how it is prepared. 

Should your Doctor artificially lower your cholesterol  with Statins? Perhaps he/she should if  again your cholesterol is highly oxidized, especially your LDL.  Should your LDL be excessively oxidized, no it shouldn't,  unless you buy into a heaven that is inhabited by virgins and you want to get there as soon as possible, like these suicide bombers.  Statins could delay the inevitable, but that inevitable may happen sooner than you would prefer, so what do you do?

The feature below will go into the workings of Cholesterol, the importance of it, the problems associated with "damaged" cholesterol and what you can do about it.


Clean Cholesterol happens to be vital to the body in regard to distributing nutrition and hormones etc. through out.  Again it is in every cell of the body and for a dam good reason.  The vitamin D3 process preferably derived from the sun working in conjunction with cholesterol, channeled and continually processed by the liver and kidneys will determine the degree of success in the entire process.  Your entire well being depends on this.

Since cholesterol is a precursor to vitamin D3, inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol will also inhibit the synthesis of vitamin D3. Since sunlight is required to turn cholesterol into vitamin D3, avoiding the sun will likewise undermine our ability to synthesize vitamin D3. And since vitamin D3-rich foods are also rich in cholesterol, low-cholesterol diets are inherently deficient in vitamin D3.


The question is, is how much good Cholesterol can you stand?

Yes,  my  personal theory is it isn't how much cholesterol you have roaming around, but the state of it and in particular how much of  it is oxidized.  Your Doctor artificially lowers your cholesterol with a statin and you continue to flood your body with oxidants, refuse to flood your body with natural anti-oxidants, even with your lowered cholesterol levels,  you are only fooling yourself and enrichening the pharmaceutical industry.   The cholesterol charade going on is just a line of least resistance,  as Doctors just don't have the fortitude to tell you what you really should be doing.  They know most of their patients are going to continue pigging out on the wrong foods that are prepared to taste good,  like deep fried, micro waved and barbecued.  Even broiled food can be a problem at high temps.

You go into a cardiovascular section of a hospital and observe the Doctors.  Most look like warmed over death they are so thin.  They know what obesity will do and they know what to do about it and you can better believe that most of them do not indulge in  a lot of cooked foods,  let alone at very high temperatures.

I watched a heart surgeon eat his lunch one day in a hospital  cafeteria.  It was two apples that he diced up with a sharp knife as if he was operating on some poor soul,  most likely loaded with damaged cholesterol.

The below link is a very detailed verbal piece from Dr. Mercola and a Doctor he had as a  guest that he had regarding a great description of the workings on Cholesterol, especially the LDL and HDL relationship.  When you have a few minutes extra to spare I would suggest that you open this up.

So what can you do?

How your food is prepared will determine how much damaged/oxidized  cholesterol there will be.  We all encounter damaged cholesterol and damaged Cholesterol is basically free radicals, renegade molecular structures  roaming and settling in parts of your body where they do not belong in the form of oxidants/tissue acid waste.  This has a bearing on the health of your heart, liver, breasts, prostate to name a few.   We have written a ton on "Tissue acid waste".  Ironically free radicals have an important role, so we are not suggesting trying to eliminate them as it would be impossible and dangerous to do so,  we are suggesting controlling them like a nuclear reactor.   There is a way to obtain the benefits of free radicals, but the spigot has to be adjusted.

         Age-accelerating effects of Glycation

The other pathological aging mechanism exacerbated by eating high temperature cooked food is the formation of advanced glycation end products (A.G.E.'s). Glycation can be described as the binding of a protein molecule to a glucose molecule resulting in the formation of damaged protein structures.

When they talk a glucose molecule we can simplify it by saying it is "sugar" related.

So the question is where does the sugar come from to result in the formation of damaged protein structure and my guess is the same principle applies to cholesterol as we relate in this feature to damaged/oxidized Cholesterol.


The typical meal in which high protein with plenty of animal fat cooked at high temps followed with a sugary shake, or a donut or whatever is the classical example of what not to do.  You are playing right into the hand of the devil.  This is repetitive from before in this feature but important enough to repeat.

Cooking and aging have similar biological properties

Cooking foods at high temperatures results in a "browning" effect, where sugars and certain oxidized fats react with proteins to form glycotoxins in the food. Normal aging can also be regarded as a slow cooking process, since these same glycotoxins form in the skin, arteries, eye lenses, joints, cartilage, etc. of our body.

The proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences study shows that consuming foods high in glycotoxins might be responsible for the induction of a low-grade, but chronic state of inflammation. In addition, the glycotoxins in food cooked at high temperatures also promote the formation of glycotoxins in our living tissues. The implication of these findings is profound.

                           C-reactive protein testing

The Life Extension Foundation in Ft. Lauderdale long ago advised members to have an annual C-reactive protein blood test to detect systemic inflammation that could increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer and a host of age-related diseases.  In fact, the C-reactive protein blood test has long been included in the Male and Female Panels that are ordered annually by many Foundation members.

On January 28, 2003, the American Heart Association and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) jointly endorsed the C-reactive protein test to screen for coronary-artery inflammation to identify those at risk for heart attack.

So the question is what can we do to minimize damaged/oxidized cholesterol and allow the body to deal with it?

Avoid heated foods or at least minimize them as they are the real cause of damaged cholesterol.  This applies especially to fatty meats and refined grains and sugars.  Sugars and grains cooked at high heats with cheap fatty cooking oils are dynamite to your body as well.  They will kill you, no question about it. How about just dying of old age?

One step you can take is reduce the amount of meat you eat.  They say generally that you should not eat any more meat at a sitting than what fits in the palm of your hand.   You need meat, but the question is how much?  Meat is an acid waste producing food.  If you subscribe to the 75% alkaline and 25% acid diet ratio, this amount of meat at a sitting is about right.

There are other sources of protein as in beans, nuts, seed, whey etc. and with the reductions in meats it will be important to supplement your protein intake.

What a Crock!

Studies have shown that the low, constant heat crock pots  may help prevent disease! Some compounds called "advanced glycation end products" are formed when sugars, fats, and proteins are heated at high temperatures, as when food is grilled, broiled, or micro waved.


Load up with natural foods and their alkaline/anti-oxidants because these free radicals are oxidants and you need to scavenge the excess and get rid of them.  Allowing them to roam and not be scavenged/quenched is the equivalent of leaving a bull in a china shop. 

Just to give you a taste of the champion anti-oxidants they are... Prunes, Raisins, all types of Berries and Dark chocolate,  ( I prefer the 86% cacao, the Ghirardelli chocolate is a premium brand, )  Spinach, Broccoli, Arugula, Wheat grass and Kale.  of course all fruits and vegetables have anti-oxidants.  In fact we have read recently where following a meal where you have pressed the envelope on meat that you have cooked at high heat, like an occasional broiled steak it is wise to finish the dinner with high anti-oxidant foods as in fruit, and even a piece of the high percentage cacao chocolate. We personally finish lunch and supper with cut up fruit in low sugar yogurt. Lunch and dinner is followed with cut up fruit as it is on our special breakfast cereal.  With a glass of orange juice mid morning and an apple mid afternoon you can see where we are getting a good slug of fruit anti-oxidants.

One of the highest antioxidant capacity is from the cacao bean.  Chocolate is produced from the Cacao bean.   Cocoa is from the cacao bean and  is chock-full of a wide range of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, including the procyanidins epicatechin and catechin.  Cocoa polyphenols seem to be unique due to their high availability and extreme effectiveness in neutralizing free radical activity.  In fact, research has shown that cocoa contains more antioxidant polyphenols than any other food.

Dark chocolate from the cacao plant is a good source of pure super polyphenols.  We prefer the 86% pure.  Ghirardelli is a premium brand.  You can also buy the raw cacao beans as on the left.    We grind a few every morning with our flax seed.  We put the 2 tablespoons of flax seed, golden and brown  seeds for their lignin contents and other nutritional benefits and throw in 1 raw cacao bean into a Proctor Sylex coffee bean grinder and this is included in our  cereal mix in the morning.  This is detailed in our feature.

In your meals you  should include some nuts, seed, olive oil, fish and fish oil into the mix as the "good fat" in them provides the vehicle for the Cholesterol to transport the benefits to where they belong.  Good fats are essential to the process.  Ironically good fats as in fish, olive oil etc. actually counter the bad fat build up in your cardiovascular.  It is like fighting fire with fire.  Remember you don't fight fire with gasoline and you don't fight fatty plaque build up in your arteries etc. with fats cooked at high temperatures,  especially the cheap fat in most of your baked products.  They only compound the problem.  We won't even discuss the sugar that is in most of our baked products and how that raises hell with your glucose levels. 

Keep in mind that there is good reason to try to obtain your anti-oxidants in the most concentrated form as possible.  Even though fruits in particular are high in anti-oxidants,  they have sugar and sugar is sugar.  Unless you are wildcat on a handball court every morning and can burn off the sugar via energy you have to be concerned.  I mentioned the 86% cacao Ghirardelli chocolate above.  You can buy milk chocolate that is delicious,  but it is loaded with refined sugar, 30 % pure, 40% etc. the rest is what you don't need.  You can use an ounce of a good dark chocolate each day, but the more concentrated the better.



I am not one to push supplements,  but we do indulge in some and feel that we should mention a few that we take and feel have a profound effect on these free radicals that we are dealing with.   Natural supplements are another form of anti-oxidants.   We believe that these supplements can have a direct effect on the state of your cholesterol.  Natural foods are still the best way to obtain your anti-oxidant needs as in fresh raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seed.  Again keep in mind that most supplements derived from natural sources are anti-oxidants and it is always best to take these supplements with high anti-oxidant foods,  as in fruits and vegetables.  Combining supplements and foods together at a meal produces a synergistic  event. 

Out of  the Wickepedia Dictionary the definition of Synergy to help you remember the importance of combining anti-oxidants  "Refers to the phenomenon in which two or more discrete influences or agents acting together create an effect greater than that predicted by knowing only the separate effects of the individual agents."

Pomegranate and Cocoa Polyphenols

Life Extensions in Ft. Lauderdale has a product on the market that consists of Pomegranate and cocoa polyphenols that may have the  ability to actually reverse heart disease in some.  Dark chocolate contains a wide range of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, including the procyanidins epicatechin and catechin.  Research has shown that cocoa contains more antioxidant polyphenols than any other food.  Enjoy a little chocolate but remember most chocolates have sugar in it.

There are other supplements that have a nice contingent of super polyphenols anti-oxidants and we partake in them. 

“Antioxidants are bioactive compounds in foods that play an active role in the human body,” explained Professor Alan Crozier, Professor of Plant Biochemistry and Human Nutrition at the University of Glasgow. “By quenching free radicals, they help maintain oxidative balance and may very well be responsible for improving and maintaining health. Polyphenols are a potent natural group of antioxidants, which are believed to play a role in protecting against chronic diseases.”

Life extensions of which we have no financial affiliation has a new super polyphenols combination of Apple, Cocoa, Green Tea and Aronia in one supplement and this is in addition to their Pomegranate extracts.  The apple polyphenols are actually derived from apple skin, roots and bark.

After two weeks of taking these polyphenol supplements my blood pressure every morning,  as I take it with one these new automatic digital testing devices from CVS, came down from the high 120s systolic and 80 diastolic to 115 by 60 with my pulse at 60.  It must be said though I am very physically active 72 years old (Yr.2008)  Competitive racquet sports 5 days a week and heavy gardening most days. 

With these polyphenols along with a little dark chocolate each day  we are hopeful that it not only will put a lid on further endothelial dysfunction (plaque build up in the arteries etc.) but also there may be a reversal of existing plaque build up because at 72 years old and a scan about 10 years ago I was developing ischemia in my heart cavities and chances are my arteries as well.  I haven't chances any more of these dubious scans, but my guess is some day I will stick my neck out and have one on my heart and it wouldn't surprise me if I have less ischemia than I had 12 years ago, simply based on what we have been doing.

 ASTAXANTHIN The new Kid on the block

(Pronounced asta-ZAN-thin)  Now why they didn't put the Z in at the start instead of the X we will never know,  at least at my level of literacy.

We have recently been introduced to this powerful anti-oxidant called the "King of the carotenoids".  In fact it is written that scientists have not found a stronger anti-oxidant for free radical elimination or what they call singlet oxygen quenching whatever the hell that is.   Astaxanthin is derived from the sea either by a process that extracts it from different seas substances,  algae for one or from eating Salmon that feeds on these substances.  They find that the substance in Salmon is the highest concentration and it is in the muscles of the fish.  They claim this explains the salmon's Herculean spawning efforts, against unbelievable conditions,  that a human being apples for apples would not be able to physically achieve.  The internet is chock full of information on this supplement.  There are synthetic products on the market that do not cut it we are told.  The main producer in Hawaii calls their product "Bioastin" and we have added this to our diet regimen.  It can lower cholesterol and for those taking a cholesterol lowering medication,  they should check with their Doctors.  My wife has a borderline cholesterol issue,  about 200.  She is on a modest dose of a statin prescribed by a very cautious physician and she is deciding whether to go off the statin and see if Astaxanthin will lower it into even a more safer range and do it without the concern of what statin can deal you.

I personally have little concern for my cholesterol as it is higher than my wife's, but that is the chance I take,  which with a Mother and Father that had numbers higher than me and  did not succumb to heart disease and lived well into their 80's.


Heart/Blood Vessels and Resveratrol

When researchers deconstruct heart disease, they see many different things happening at the level of the cell. Cholesterol and other fat-related substances are one small part of a bigger picture that involves many other factors.  Fortunately, many facets of heart disease can be controlled through dietary means. Resveratrol is a dietary agent that has powerful and diverse effects on the heart and blood vessels.

Fish Oil

Studies on omega-3 fatty acids are so impressive that an agency of the National Institutes of Health published a report stating that fish oil can help reduce deaths from heart disease. The FDA itself states supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may actually reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. There are several mechanisms attributed to fish oil’s beneficial effects. The latest government report cites the triglyceride-lowering effects of fish oil on reducing heart and blood vessel disorders. Another beneficial mechanism of fish oil is to protect healthy blood flow in arteries.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an essential component of healthy mitochondrial function. It is incorporated into cell's mitochondria throughout the body where it facilitates and regulates the oxidation of fats and sugars into energy.  (Achaia, regulates the oxidation of fats, that sounds a bell)  Aging humans have been found to have over 50% less CoQ10 on average compared to that of young adults. This finding makes CoQ10 one of the most important nutrients for people over 30 to supplement with. About 95% of cellular energy is produced in the mitochondria. (Don't forget every cell in the body has cholesterol) The mitochondria are the cells “energy powerhouses” and many maladies have been referred to as “mitochondrial disorders.” A growing body of scientific research links a deficiency of CoQ10 to age-related mitochondrial disorders.

The Skin

Keep in mind that the skin functions as an organ that can absorb and excrete both nutrients and toxins through its pores.  Let's go back to that one point  "The skin functions as an organ"  It functions as an organ because it is an organ.  Most everyone discounts the importance of the skin. 

I will tell you just looking at the diagram to your left certainly indicates the importance of the skin.  No one would have went to this extent for the hell of it.


I have a personal theory that nutrients absorbed by the skin and circulated back to the organs can have as much of a profound effect on your health as ingested nutrients through the digestive system.  I would bet my life that nutrients applied on the skin derived from the biological properties of aloe vera,  plus the anti-oxidants in our aloe plus formula, (The book is free!)   work hand in hand with the Vitamin D3 process and clean Cholesterol production.  Having anti-oxidants and nutrition to your skin coming from inside and out seems to make a lot of sense.  Add to that the practice of a good sweat on a regular basis,  you will really be achieving the ultimate for your skin.  (I have included that guy on your right with the tread mill because rain or shine you can always get a good sweat on a tread mill and of course this is in addition to cardiovascular benefits.)  If you practice heal to toe action with your feet, you will obtain the optimum in diaphragm action for blood and lymph flow.  Sweating is one of the best vehicles to purge acids and wastes and if your skin is healthy,  you will do a better job of it.

I have written on contrast bathing in our knee feature  and the diaphragm effects derived from the contrast procedure.  The same applies perhaps in a different way with the skin function.  Nutrients delivered to the skin area by the blood, transferred to the lymph system, nutrients integrated into the process from external means via regular applications of  pure Aloe Vera and/or Aloeplus with Aloe vera, chime in with the sun and its Vitamin D3 role with Cholesterol and your doing it right.

This whole process is a basically a diaphragm effect because of the role the lymphatic system plays in it with its check valve concept of pressure gradients.  Don't forget the lymphatic system does not have the benefit of a pumping heart , but if you take care of it, it works like a charm. 

Speaking of the heart, the heart is the classical example of the diaphragm principle.  Pump and contraction, pump and contraction, push and suction.  This the principle behind the all important blood pressure readings of Systolic and diastolic.  The "Dia" is the Diaphragm suction dynamics.  What I am trying to bring out with all of this technical business concerning the heart and tributaries is the cleaner the system, the more effective it will be and of course the cleaner the tributaries are the less chance of clogging up and causing death, your death.  

Vasodilation of your arteries or basically the elasticity of them in relation to how easy it is for the old heart to do it's job,  the better.

                             ALOE VERA

We believe that the efficiency of your digestive system can have a huge bearing on how well your body handles the bad guys, including free radicals.  An inefficient digestive system, continues to recycle wastes and the more they can continue to travel, the more apt they are to become lodged.  Aloe Vera is known for its benefits to the digestive system.

Below is a list of the biological properties of Aloe Vera.

                   The Natural Choice

               Raw from the garden (our choice)

Notwithstanding this bewildering variety of differing approaches to the treatment of IBS, (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) there is a big emphasis on natural and homoeopathic remedies.  Aloe Vera raw gel has many benefits to the human body. An analysis of the Aloe Vera plant shows it is made up from a large variety of amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals and it comes closer than any other known plant to the duplication of life's essential substances in the biochemistry of the human body.

Aloe Vera has natural healing and detoxifying powers and works gently within the intestinal tract to help break down impacted food residues and thoroughly cleanse the bowel.  It can help ease constipation and prevent continuing diarrhea, setting a regularity to the bowel. All this helps to reduce discomfort and bloating.  Naturally, as these symptoms are eased, so the stress associated with the discomfort is also reduced.

Of course, the individual must have a due regard for the diet,  but if this can be normalized, the regular consumption of a dose of Aloe Vera Raw Gel can often improve and maintain the feeling of well-being and the quality of life.

The many unsolicited testimonials and letters of grateful thanks received show that Aloe  can be of help when all else has failed. Nevertheless, it must be stressed that professional medical advice should always be sought at the earliest possible stage for abdominal problems and pains.

                    Aloe Vera and Arthritis

Aloe Vera is a stimulant to the immune system, a powerful anti- inflammatory, an analgesic and is able to speed up cell growth. Aloe Vera contains a large number of mucopolysaccharides (basic sugars) which are found in every cell in the body. Aloe also contains large numbers of nutrients including vitamins E, C, B1, 2, 3, and 6 as well as iron, manganese, calcium and zinc. Seven essential amino acids and fatty acids are also found in Aloe Vera.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful, debilitating condition. It manifests itself as stiff, swollen joints with varying degrees of associated pain caused partly due to nerve damage and partly by the pressure of the swollen area.

The swollen area is normally red in color and described as inflamed. The redness is caused by the blood supply to the 'damaged' area being increased.

Conventional treatment includes use of anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids, typically cortisone injections or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These certainly can ease the painful effects but unfortunately do not repair damaged tissues. There can also be undesirable side effects, particularly thinning of the skin and osteoporosis. Although many NSAIDs are available, each one has the potential to cause stomach ulcers.

Repairing damaged tissue by regenerating cells is a function at which Aloe Vera has been shown to be most successful. It not only relieves the painful symptoms but also helps to disperse damaged tissue – a type of detoxification process. Aloe Vera may be taken both internally as a juice or as a gel applied to the painful joint. Here Aloe Vera's deep penetration may show benefit.

The degree of success with this treatment varies considerably from person to person. With some, relief and improved joint flexibility is virtually immediate – an apparent 'magical' cure, whereas in others, the process can take much longer and the degree of recovery may not be so great.

In any event, an important fact must be remembered: Aloe Vera has no known adverse side effects. It is an extract from the leaf of the Aloe Vera plant, known throughout the world where it grows naturally as the 'First Aid Plant', the 'Burn Plant', the 'Miracle Plant' and the 'Medicine Plant'.

For a full feature on how to grow, prepare and use Aloe Vera check out our feature.  It's free to all.




“The majority of people who end up having heart attacks or stroke don’t have high cholesterol.”

The New York Times once published an article entitled – “U.S. calls for major cholesterol reductions” and which was also printed in numerous local papers. 

Sounds like a great way to fight heart disease, right? 

Let’s take a look at what the article does not tell you about lowering your cholesterol. Because you must understand the effects of artificially lowering your cholesterol levels without implementing other strategies which are crucial to your health. 

Because the fact of the matter is the Framingham Heart study - which has followed people for over 5 decades - proved without a doubt that LDL cholesterol is just one of many misleading factors of heart disease. 

In fact, LDL cholesterol levels are only a very minor factor of heart disease and only under certain conditions. 

Here is a quote from Christie Ballantyne, M.D., a cardiologist from the Baylor College of Medicine – “The majority of people who end up having heart attacks or stroke don’t have high cholesterol.” 

Here is another quote from an article in the Red Flags Daily By Malcolm Kendrick, M.D. who talks about the Framingham Study results as published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 

“There is a direct association between falling cholesterol levels over the first 14 years and mortality over the following 18 years.” 

You guessed it, the mortality rate goes with falling cholesterol up . 

Scientific research also suggests that as people lower their LDL cholesterol level, their chances for stroke go up.

What About Cholesterol Lowering Drugs?

Using cholesterol lowering drugs may artificially lower cholesterol levels, however, they may also increase the risk of death from stroke. And because of toxicity to the body, you could also face liver and kidney failure. 

You see, your body not only produces cholesterol, it also needs cholesterol for a variety of functions. Cholesterol is an essential part of each and every cell membrane. 

Cholesterol also provides the critical starting point and building block for the steroid hormones in our bodies. These hormones include testosterone and Estrogen.

It's the Oxidation of Cholesterol That is The Demon

As you can see, cholesterol itself is not bad. It is the oxidation of cholesterol which is just one of the factors of developing heart disease. 

Oxidation of cholesterol is the more specific problem which would enable the cholesterol to become "sticky" and start to form plaque in the walls of the arteries. 

We have all seen an apple cut open and watch as it turns brown - this is oxidation. Your body will oxidize on the inside unless steps are taken to help prevent this.

Antioxidants to the Rescue

The way to keep oxidation from damaging your cholesterol is to zap them with antioxidants! You can keep oxidation of cholesterol in check by eating plenty of food and supplements which are rich in antioxidants.

A few of the most powerful antioxidants are:

And the mother of all antioxidants - Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA).ALA is produced naturally by your body but, as you age, your body produces less and less, so it is wise to supplement.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Keep Your Cholesterol in Balance

There are also low-cost food sources which you can easily get, which are high in omega 3's and the right fats to help keep your cholesterol levels in balance.

A partial list is as follows:

These foods are readily available and easily purchased, safe, and natural ways to help prevent cholesterol from becoming a problem. 

And if you are someone who truly needs to lower their cholesterol, there is an organic plant alcohol from sugar cane which is a powerful ways to reduce bad cholesterol levels. It’s called - Policosanol (it's a mixture of fatty alcohols derived from waxes of sugar cane, yams, and bees wax) .

Ways to Raise Your HDL Levels (the Good Guys)

As for the majority of you, focus on raising your HDL cholesterol levels because as you raise your good cholesterol it decreases the concern about your LDL levels of cholesterol and gives you a better total cholesterol profile.

Some of the best ways to improve your “Good” or HDL cholesterol is through:

Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with raising HDL cholesterol levels



This information is intended to heighten awareness of potential health care alternatives and should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.


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