Blue print from Blueeyedcurse

College Grad, Unemployed, Don't know what to do?

I am worried about America.  After reading material back into the 1600s on the invention of steam generation, the Roebling families unbelievable effort in the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, Henry Ford, Edison and a few others, I am wondering what the hell is going in our lives.  Thousands and thousands can't even get a job after years in college learning how to think. Information galore on the Internet and the would be players and entrepreneurs walking around America in a stupor texting one another (Some times at 60 miles per hour) with foolish childish gibberish while Rome burns and our country is about ready to go down in the flames.


This an extension feature to our Multifaceted.htm feature.

It is a specific blueprint to go about landing an important position in an enterprise.

It is an expansion to the 2 particular recommendations we have made in the mulitfaceted.htm feature namely unleashing hidden talents that most everyone possesses but does not know how to merge them into a unique means to contribute to an enterprise.  Being a contributor is the second part of our recommendation in our Multfaceded.htm feature instead of just being a dependant user of information that someone else  has compiled and has formatted into a website operated by the enterprises IT departments.

In this specific extension the first thing we will do is list the components of this blueprint that includes the hardware and software and also who and how to make the contacts to nail down a position.  Its a path but the success will depend on how much effort you put forth as effort is needed.  We just hope the shameful nanny state we are in will not conflict with your goals.

Lets be specific with the components!

The Tablet

1. A new Microsoft Surface tablet with the Windows 8 pro.  We would strongly recommend the 128 Gig memory with 4 gigs of ram.  There are other vendors that are on the Windows 8 bandwagon, but we strongly recommend Microsoft products and all of their connections to the enterprise world.  Keep in mind that the Surface is the first mobile device with the guts to handle the big stuff, the memory intensive stuff.


The Phone



2. The new Lumina 920 cell phone from Nokia with the Windows 8 phone program on board and has a state of the art camera and resolution for imaging and video that is unparalleled. We believe this camera  tied into the production ability of the new Surface will launch a new career for you. 

3. After one becomes acquainted with the integration of the Surface tablet and the Nokia 920 Lumina phone with experimentation,  an approach is made to at least two vendors.  We would suggest an approach to Microsoft to seek their cooperation in finding for you an enterprise that will be interested in your ability to contribute to their goals.

The need for human intervention is critical to fulfill their goals and facilitating a successful effort with you makes a lot of sense for the vendor.  Video information, illustrations, general information would be just a few examples of what can be achieved using the above tools.


The Cloud







4. There is a tremendous amount of competition in the new  cloud technology that our daughter calls "la, la land".

Microsoft,  Verizon, AT&T and all the rest are hanging their hats on the Cloud.  The image above is showing Microsoft's Azure Cloud concept and this is the one I am inclined to hang my hat on.  Over 90 % of the worlds business's that includes corporations, governments, military etc. are solidly in Microsoft's domain.  The only shortfall with Microsoft has been with the consumer market that is being served to a large part by vendors who rely on Microsoft products.  It has and is a very sensitive area for Microsoft.  They can't bite the hand that feeds them.  There has been enough static with the Surface and Nokia but they all are on on the same page.  They all know they need Microsoft to deal with Android and Apple.

Contacting a few of these vendors with your ideas and capabilities will stimulate their desire to help you.  They most likely will be the intermediaries for a contact with an enterprise that signs the paychecks.  A little competition never hurt anyone. and I personally would play it to the hilt.




For those who have some great multifaceted ideas and need some financing I may be able to help.  Give me a call EST 954-922-9181 before 8 P.M.

For those that would want to check out our multifaceted feature that goes in a great deal of detail check the link below...