Weight loss and more
The 40-30-30 diet regimen is very similar to the "Zone Diet". I went on the 40-30-30 5 years ago and it worked like a charm. In addition to the ratio, eating "Good" everything helps a great deal and you will read below where the fibrous carbs versus the simple carbs comes into play.
40-30-30 page
40-30-30: The
numbers refer to percentage of consumption (in terms of caloric value, not weight)
of carbohydrate (40%), protein (30%), and fat (30%) in the
optimal fat-burning diet.
30% fat?
That's right. Most people don't realize it, but without consuming fat, your body
actually stores fat. It's not only a scientific fact, but it's also plain common
sense - your body stores what is in short
supply for as long as it can. Most diet
programs emphasize low fat intake, this is widespread - but incorrect - belief is
so prevalent that a whole industry has sprung up around it! Take a look at the
products available on the shelves of your favorite grocery store: notice how
prevalent the emphasis is on "low fat" products and you will begin to get a feel
for the scope of the situation.
Only 40% carbs?
That, too, is correct. Most people consume far more
carbohydrates than just 40%, and reducing carbs is a key aspect of the 40-30-30
diet (see Insulin and its Role in the Body
Note: If you observe the above it will pretty easy to observe the information below, but make no mistake about it the two go hand in hand with one another to not only burn fat off of your body but to also burn fat from within your arteries, lymphatic net work, your organs etc.
The Bad Ole Whites
Keep in mind that the body only needs about 100 grams of carbs a day. One cup of brown rice ( a white) is about 45 grams of carbs. It is very easy to go over your daily allowance in carbs.
Top of the white list is sugar, fructose derived from corn etc. is another one, all of your starches like rice (White and Brown) makes no difference. Potatoes including Sweet potatoes a big time starch/carb that converts to sugar
We counter the negatives of potatoes by baking or microwaving potatoes and disposing of about 75% of the pulp and eating the skin with a fair amount of pulp attached to the inside of the potatoes skin where we believe resides the majority of the powerful benefits of the potato. Pasta another white nightmare especially if you don't follow it with a physical workout. If you are a full time or even a part time athlete or a hard working laborer you can get away with some complex carbs, again post workout.
There are many carbs that are disguised. One prominent means is to process grain, strip out all the goodness so it increases shelf life and to actually color the product brown to make it look more organic. From a white to a brown scam deluxe. Processed grain combined with sugar as in baked goods, breads even booze is a classical example of some of the biggest offenders. All of these triggers insulin into the body to store fat.
America's losing battle against fat
A few interesting facts to help
you get a perspective on the problem:
Most people never
question the idea that "you are what you eat", so it makes sense to them that if
they don't want to be fat, they can't eat fat. Let's look at why this is wrong -
you will have to learn a little endocrinology (the study of hormones), but stick
it out and you will be well rewarded.
Some Background Information
Insulin and its Role in the Body
Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar, most of us know that because we've heard of it in connection with Diabetes - a disease whose sufferers experience chronic high blood sugar. Inject a dose of insulin and blood sugar drops. But that's not all that insulin does; insulin also triggers the body to store fat. This is so important it bears repeating: INSULIN TRIGGERS THE BODY TO STORE FAT. Carbohydrates, the cornerstone of most diets, raise blood sugar levels. Raise your blood sugar level by consuming carbohydrates, your body releases excessive amounts of insulin, your body stores fat, your blood sugar level plummets to abnormally low levels and, bang, you're hungry again! Once again, Carbohydrates trigger your body to release insulin, insulin causes the body to store fat. This would be a good paragraph to read again. Now, you have a new weapon in the battle against carbs:
You will read in our livehealthy.htm feature our theory on the fact that a diet that stays close to the 40-30-30 principles not only burns fat off of your hide as in weight loss programs, we believe it burns the same fatty plaque substance in your cardiovascular network, your critical lymph network and guess what your brain is a glucose intensive area of your body and prone to fatty plaque build up. We believe that a 40-30-30 regimen has the ability to do the same for your brain as it does for your rump. Check out our http://www.blueeyedcurse.com/livehealthy.htm feature
Curse of the Munchies - Explained
(Munchies on the left are the munchies you should munch on)
Lets back up a step
now. We have all had an attack of the "munchies" and we all have our favorite
munchies food - think back about your last attack of the munchies - what did you
reach for? Odds are ten to one, it was a carbohydrate of some sort (if you're a
dieter, it was probably a "low fat" version, wasn't it?) - chips, candy,
pastries, ice cream, donuts, whatever - guaranteed it was a carbohydrate! Why?
Because you were coming off an excessively low drop in blood sugar and your body
was screaming for food - carbohydrates, in specific - because you needed to get
your blood sugar level up to a normal level again (glucose - "blood sugar" - is
the only food your brain can consume, that's why you crave it, and that's why we
get grumpy when we're hungry). What happened next? How did your binge make you
feel? Well, besides the endorphine rush triggered if you over-ate, you had a
rush of energy, followed by a dramatic crash. Athletes call this "bonking" or
"hitting the wall" - zoom, you're out of blood sugar and you're out of energy.
Wait a while and you're hungry again. Do you see the cycle?
Blueeyedcurse.com NOTE:
Our personal experience regarding blood sugar. The body needs a steady
supply of sugar, it is just a question of how much? We believe the
blood stream has about 2 teaspoons at all times and if it goes just a little
below this number, one can easily go into a coma.
Now we borrowed a page, as we have borrowed many pages from the weight
watchers regimen that calls for up to 5 fruits a day. (Our fruit intake is fruit
and berries on cereal ( cereal being freshly ground flax seed, whole pumpkin seed
chewed good, nuts and a touch of Fiber One in soy milk) for breakfast, half a
glass of orange juice (with water and whey protein) midmorning, fruit and berries in plain yogurt
for lunch, an apple mid afternoon and fruit and berries with plain yogurt at
supper time) Weight watchers doesn't go into much detail as far as why and
where, as long as you do the point system. We don't do points.
Our assumption is that the 5 fruits a day supply all of our sugar needs, and in
fact because of the complex carbohydrate nature, along with the fiber
content this releases sugar in a very controlled manner that does not
alert the pancreas/insulin production. Now if the fruit servings are modest and they should be,
(a medium size apple for example, a half a glass of orange juice with whey
protein powder and water is another) the sugar
will be utilized for the bodies needs and the balance will be consumed and
depleted entirely in the energy needs process, as we know sugar is an
energy food. Now after the sugar is depleted, and one is conducting
a moderate exercise regimen, the body will seek out fat for the balance of
its daily needs. We also have a theory that fats, especially the
stored fats have a delegation of impurities (toxicity) attached similar to what has been
discovered in the visceral areas of the stomach, rump etc. These too will be burned
and hopefully leaving you with a "clean as a hounds tooth condition".
We have recently wrote a feature http://www.blueeyedcurse.com/wish.htm where we vision someone wishing they could eliminate cancer, heart disease and lose a bunch of weight in one swoop. We came to the conclusion that the same process that burns fat, burns fatty plaque from your arteries and lymph vessels. Therefore burning off fat in your arteries will prevent heart disease, keeping your lymph system clean of sticky fat, the gate keeper keeping out cancer cells from infiltrating your body and the resultant tumors along with slimming down is just what the Doctor ordered.
Insulin Part Two
While you're involved
in the vicious cycle of eating lots of carbohydrates, racing, crashing, and
eating more carbohydrates, your insulin surges are busy making your body store
away fat!
Carbohydrates, Glucagon and Protein
Carbohydrates stimulate insulin production and secretion, and insulin causes your body to store fat, but you've got to eat! The good news: the consumption of protein (lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, etc.) stimulates the body to produce and release another hormone, glucagon, which blocks the effects of insulin. Consume protein and you will go a long way towards getting off the carbohydrate-insulin roller coaster. Right now, if you are an astute reader you may be wondering why 40% carbohydrate, and only 30% protein? Wouldn't it be better to try to balance the amount of protein and carbohydrates consumed to be equal? Well, we haven't talked about fat yet - the other "30".
Glucose Regulation
Glucagon is a hormone, secreted by the pancreas, that raises blood glucose levels. Its effect is opposite that of insulin, which lowers blood glucose levels. This may seem contradictory to the negatives of high glucose but you have to read on.....
The pancreas releases glucagon when blood glucose levels fall too low. Glucagon causes the liver to convert stored glycogen into glucose, which is released into the bloodstream. Glucagon also stimulates the release of insulin, so that glucose can be taken up and used by insulin-dependent tissues. Thus, glucagon and insulin are part of a feedback system that keeps blood glucose levels at the right level. Glucagon belongs to a family of several other related hormones.
(The above statement on keeping the blood glucose at the right level is significant.)
There has been a recent flurry of information regarding what your fasting glucose levels should be. There are some that are advocating levels as low as 70 to 85. They are pushing supplements natural and otherwise to artificially lower these levels, as it is almost impossible to do it with your normal lifestyle. This is on par with artificially lowering cholesterol and I firmly disagree with any of these approaches.
My personal fasting glucose level has been 95 for years. I also keep an eye on my triglycerides that are an indicator of how much fat is being circulated in my blood and my readings of 75 or so do not indicate a problem. Folks that have high triglyceride levels over a 100 have to be concerned. Another important yard stick is your calcium levels that you will receive with the standard CBC blood run. They should be in the normal range. Calcium is one of the most important minerals in your body regarding regulation as it was in our agricultural career. When we had our pH regulated with our calcium/magnesium applications everything started to go into place.
I believe my normal readings it indicates stability. I attribute this stability to an off shoot of the 40-30-30 diet regimen that I used to lose 30 pounds in just about a year and have continued to follow the principles.
In addition to the 40-30-30 program taking weight off, we have written that this regimen has the ability to reduce fatty arterial plaque and clean out the lymph network at the same time. Keep in mind that the lymphatic net work transports fatty substances in its normal function and is prone to waste accumulation issues if things are not balanced. Glucagon provides this balance. A 40-30-30 balanced diet with a normal amount of calories consumed will provide this balance.
Now if you believe that the production of glucagon accomplishes these goals and in the bargain regulates the critical glucose levels you are talking a powerful tool toward good health and long life.
(Back to above Gulcagon Reference)
Blueeyedcurse.com NOTE:
As stated before,
approximately 35 to 40% of our
total caloric intake is derived from fat, but that translates into about 20% of
our total volume of food measured in any way you choose as we try to keep our
fat in line recognizing that fat has twice the amount calories per gram than
protein or carbohydrates. Since going on
this 35-30-35 diet (our modified version) give or take, we have
closely monitored our triglycerides that measures fat content in the blood
stream and have found them to be much less (in the 70 MG/DL range) than before
we consumed this amount of primarily good fat, good fats again being,
nuts, seed, fish, fish and borage oil supplements, as well as olive and
macadamia oils for cooking and salads. Although we respect the Atkins
principals of high amounts of animal fats in the diet for weight loss programs,
we believe that dieters that are not very active physically are at a much high
risk than the proverbial Eskimo and lumberjacks that consume huge amounts of
animal fat, but burn it off, where the less active put an undue burden on
their kidneys and liver, as well as accumulating some of this fat residue,
that isn't burned, in their artery walls and heart portals. To be
fair to the Atkins program, they have an initial phase, sort of a crash course
to get a good portion of the weight off, but swing into a more moderate regimen
in their maintenance phase. The ideal ratio of
essential fatty acids are 2 to 3 to one, Omega 6s over Omega 3s. 1
to 1 is even better, but you really have to pig out on sardines and salmon,
plus fish oil supplements to do it.
There is a confusion that I would like to
clear up with you avid health oriented readers. In fact there appears to
be a conflict with some of our writings regarding doing the 40-30-30 or our
modified 35-30-35 diet and trying to achieve a 75% alkaline to 25% acid
diet ratio. On the face of it with only a 35% carbohydrate intake it would
seem that the 75% alkaline ratio would again be hard to obtain, as we know
that the major part of your alkalinity intake must be derived from fruits and
vegetables. Right off the bat you could easily come to the conclusion that the 35% carbohydrate intake
may not measure up to the recommended 75% alkaline goal. I have
struggled with this issue the past year in my own regimen and have come to the
following conclusions. First you are dealing with measurements.
Servings/Cups/Grams. An average apple has 20 grams of carbohydrates, where
if you were to take as an example, my daily habit and mid afternoon snack,
which does include an apple or 20 grams of carbs, a few pieces of chicken,
perhaps an ounce, lets say 8 grams of protein and throw in a
couple of grams of fat from the chicken. Now factor in an ounce of mixed
nuts that have a ratio of about 3 grams of carbs, 3 grams of protein and 8 grams
of fat. Now if you total up the whole smear you come up with 23 grams of
carbs, because of the nut contribution, the protein would be 11, 8 from the
chicken and 3 from the nuts. The fat would be 2 from the chicken and 8
from the nuts or 10 total, So on the face of it you are looking at a
23-11-10 ratio. This would be out of whack but it isn't if you subscribe
as I do to Dr. Atkins and
his "Net Carb" theory, where he deducts the amount of fiber from a carb to
come up with his "Net Carb" results. My guess is an apple could have 10
grams of fiber and if it does you are reducing the carbs from 23 to 13 and real
close to a balanced snack
that should not put your pancreas and insulin
production into high gear. Now don't try to accomplish this with a milk shake with almost zero fiber or a donut where whatever fiber was in the
ingredients have been disemboweled. Processed grains not only have
lost their fiber content, but they have a nasty way of producing sugar similar to
the volatile reaction from grain and sugar in the process of making moonshine.
Now just to end this whole thing on a humorous note and one that you can
regularly associate with regarding your errant habits of the past. If you
are going to hibernate for the winter like a He-bear or a Momma bear, by
all means load up on the sugar/carbohydrates/fat production process in
preparation for
your stint in the cave. Disregard the toxic material you will be saddling
yourself with, along with the fat because your only goal is to survive the
long drawn out winter and certainly putting years and years of quality time on
to your life span is not in any way your concern. Wouldn't it be nice if
you had a supermarket to supply you with your food all winter in just the right
proportions that you need to survive and not worry about becoming hog fat like
that the poor soul in the photo above.
Animal diets
We have had an experience lately with our beloved little (not so little) Kristina our Maltese pooch. She recently was misdiagnosed and rediagnosed by a couple of good Vets. It appears that the diet that we have been feeding her was too rich and out of balance and for this I am personally embarrassed. I am embarrassed because I should have had the sense to apply to our pet what we have applied to our own diets, or at least taking into account that a dogs diet differs some from humans and dogs are primarily carnivorous animals. Never the less balance is critical in any diet and if you have read our human version above you will see where a proper balance will stimulate what they refer to as the fat burning hormone glucagon. Conversely high carb diets especially the bad carbs stimulate the hormone insulin that is the fat storing hormone. Fat storing is usually accompanied with triglycerides and high cholesterol which translates to acid wastes where you don't want them and Alzheimer's, cancer and heart disease just love to latch on to tissue acid waste. It is just like candy to a baby, bring it on so I can spend the rest of my life crippled pitifully while my family suffers along with me, because I had to feed my sweet tooth.
Besides Kristina's overweight (about 25% above normal) she was diagnosed with a high triglyceride reading and high cholesterol as well. We thought we were feeding her the best pet food that money can buy and Wysong is probably the best pet food money can buy, but we neglected to read the labels that are on the food packages. If we did we would have seen that some of the foods instead being a staple, should be used sparingly as a treat and a topping.
So after we received the blood work we asked the vet for their recommendations and of course they had a commercial pet food that was designed for overweight and animals with the cardiovascular problems associated with triglycerides and cholesterol. It is an analysis that is higher in carbs and for carnivorous animals that have been on high protein meat diets it isn't easy for them to accept. Animals need the benefits of good carbs. We are talking properly processed fruits and vegetables and whole grains with all of their antioxidants and minerals as well as fiber to carry the bad stuff out of the system including cholesterol. Lipitor may be able to drive your cholesterol numbers down but even at 150 to 170 if you are not eating the right foods and fiber you are still at risk. I personally carry a 225 to 240 Cholesterol reading but I have a high fiber diet, I take in a generous amount of sun every day that works with Cholesterol, exercise, a 70 Hdl reading normal blood pressure, a recent heart stress test passing with flying colors and there is no way in hell I am going to subject myself to Lipitor no matter what that artificial heart Doctor says on TV.
So we undertook an Internet research session to determine what to do.
First a few facts and conclusions
1. Again dogs are a carnivorous animals and anywhere we have read the recommendation is raw lean meat. Dogs can live on meat and do get a certain amount of carbs from undigested food in the stomachs from the prey they eat along with plenty of fat. Other than our pussy cats that we may allow to feed in the wild we do not for the most part allow our dogs to hunt prey so this has to be taken into account.
2 Activity. A dog that lays around the house and yard all day with hopefully at least one good walk by their master is really not getting enough activity to burn off the fat that they would consume in a natural environment. So in this case an adjustment has to be made.
3. Again the commercial science diets that are high in carbs are o.k. but they may be unacceptable to the dogs palate unless you half starve the dog to the point they will eat anything.
4. Diversity. As in any diet diversity is very important. Feeding any living being the same diet day in and day out is just wrong. They may advertise that commercial applications are the perfect balance for your pet but this is not correct. You must bring in different foods to the diet almost on a daily basis or perhaps 3 to 4 times a week. In other words the same combination on Monday is served again Thursday.
We decided to study what they refer to as the dry analysis of different commercial foods, the foods the vets had and Wysong. We found that Wysong had certain foods that had the same dry analysis of the vets food. A different composition and we believe a much better quality food including how it is processed. Food that is cooked or over cooked has little benefits other than just for survival purposes. It turned out that our dog actually rejected the Vets Carbohydrate heavy food, but accepted Wysong when mixed with the good stuff, meat. We want our dogs to live beyond the conventional time extension as we do ourselves. It can be done.
Now as I did in my 40-30-30 regimen in which I lost 30 lbs in about a year, I analyzed the foods I ate regarding calories and analysis to try to come close to the recommended 40-30-30 target. As you will read I am a very active fellow so my proportion of fat is higher than recommended. When I say fat I am talking good fat, from nuts, seed, olive oil, fish and fish oil etc., not saturated fat as in fatty meats, although there is room for animal fats if they are not cooked at high temps, where the molecular structure of the fat creates a dangerous damaged cholesterol scenario and humans can borrow a page from this for sure. Again a dog has a different stomach, they can safely eat raw meat even rotten meat where a human can’t and can assimilate fats more efficiently. If they are not active, playing, running etc. I believe the same saturated fat limitation should apply as it is in human intake especially if the subject is showing negative numbers in the cardiovascular department.
We put together a sample meal for our Kristina that was broken up into 4 different components.
A Wysong dry senior diet 28% Protein, 12% fat and 60% Carbohydrates
The second component was a canned wet senior diet food that had about the same analysis, but the foods in it were different, although the mineral and enzymes were about the same.
The third component was a Wysong product that they call "All meats" and you can buy a handy 6 pack that has 6 different meats, turkey, beef, rabbit, venison etc. Again we favor Wysong because we believe in the process they use in preparing their foods especially in the care concerning cooking and not destroying the benefits let alone changing the molecular structure of the fats with high heat. You barbecue fans should be conscious of cooking meat with fat at high temps, which many claim is a certain path to cancer. Now these meats are all Protein and some fat. We roughly calculate that in a 100 percentile there is 60% protein 40% fat and zero carbs.
The 4th component in this mix is raw meat. To make it easy one of the raw meats is ground lean hamburger, that my wife makes up in small balls and is immediately frozen. These balls are intermittently served as the portion of lean meat. When we have steak a portion is cut off raw, chicken, lamb, lean pork etc. Lets assume that this same percentile is the 60% protein, 40% fat and zero carbs. Actually I believe that the Wysong all meats are heavier in fats where the lean meat we serve her is less, but it averages out.
O.K. Now if we apply 25% of each of the 4 components to the mix we have calculated the following analysis. One example would be the 60% Carbohydrate content in the seniors dry diet and wet as well if calculated at 25% would simply come out to a factor of 15. Another example would be the meat only... 60 divided by 4 (25%) would come out to 15 and the fat at 40 divided by 4 (25%) comes out to 10.
So on this basis lets do a chart. and just put in the 25% factor to each component. If want to check the total just multiply it by 4.
Senior Dry Protein 7 Fat 3 Carbohydrate 15
Senior Wet Protein 7 Fat 3 Carbohydrate 15
Wysong all meat Protein 15 Fat 10 Carbs 0
Raw meat Protein 15 Fat 10 Carbs 0
Totals Protein 44 Fat 26 Carbs 30
Now this is not what would be considered the perfect human ratio as the human target is 40% Carbs, 30% Protein, 30% Fat to achieve the perfect balance.
We are told Dogs in particular being carnivorous need a heavier amount of Protein. I personally have my reservations about this and if we cannot get our dog down in her weight I personally would be inclined to try and get more carbs in her, but it wont be easy. She like most dogs are meat eating puppies.
I think it is important to address something that is very important in human diets especially one where weight loss is desired and again to lower those critical cardiovascular numbers as weight loss and the numbers are closely related. I copied a snippet from our material in the main section and there is no question you can apply it to your pet and especially if you want to please them and feed their face with sweets. You want to burn fat, you want to lower your Cholesterol, you don't want stenosis and stents occupying your heart network, read the snippet below and understand what the hell you are doing when you indulge in refined sugars and grain, because these puppies are the root to most evils as they apply to the heart and just about everything else.
You want to indulge in candies, ice cream, cookies and cakes and the high sugar boozes don't even bother going to an endoconologist go to a shrink because you need help in deciding whether you want to make old bones or join the rest of the jerks that have eaten themselves into the ground with the wrong sugars. Keep in mind though you need sugar, but only a little bit and fruit with its fiber should provide this as the fiber controls the releasing of the sugar into your system without alerting your pancreas and insulin production.
Low blood sugar signals the body to burn fat for its energy and preserve the remaining blood sugar for the brain to consume. Obviously, dieters would want to raise their glucagon levels.
Interesting article on fat below
This information is intended to heighten awareness of potential health care alternatives and should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.