Chew and Lose Lbs, Don't Chew and Really Lose
is a feature with one the most important health practices we have ever
discovered and in particular weight loss. We all know that keeping
our weight down will extend our lives and have a big effect on the quality of
our lives. You will read in chewing your food adequately will result in
not only weight loss but good health and extended life.
Now in my case I have an added issue. I have an esophagus issue that has taken the lives too early of close relatives and friends, my Father for one. There could be a genetic relationship or perhaps the eat on the go type mentality. I remember packing fruit at a frantic pace at our work bench, eating a sandwich with one hand and packing with the other. As fast as I packed was as fast as I ate and I packed fast. I have been shoveling my food down for 70 plus years and my Mother probably started the whole affair from birth. She was an A type herself and my Dad was a triple A type.
There is no question that it will pay me personally to follow through with the material you will read in the Internet feature below and follow it for the rest of your life. I will be honest with you, it is going to be very difficult to break the habit of woofing your food down and if you don't have this bad habit, count your blessings.
in the feature they mention "food allergies" and they don't go into much detail other than
mitigating toxic allergies from food. It doesn't say it but my first
thought is if you are subjected to allergies, the snots etc. is it a
possibility that these adverse reactions can be alleviated by chewing and
actually liquefying your foods? Sure your allergies may come from pollen
and pollution, but assuming these are the sole causes could be a false premise.
Could chewing your foods be the deciding factor in neutralizing the negative
effects of the other problems we are subjected to and that includes stress?
Is it possible that chewing and liquefying your food not only serves as a weight loss tool and allergy fighter, but could actually fight the dreaded diseases we all face, the "big C" for one. How about arthritis, if you are getting on in years old arthritis is most likely attacking you. Here is a good test. Chew your food and liquefy it for a month or a couple of weeks and see what happens with your arthritis. You could be surprised.
Short course on soluble and insoluble foods
Vegetables and fruits are healthy sources of insoluble fiber but again there is soluble properties in fruits and vegetables as well. This is why raw fruits and vegetables are the perfect fiber food. However, no fruit or vegetable contains as much insoluble fiber as grains. Vegetables that have a high amount of insoluble fiber include broccoli, artichoke, Brussels sprouts and carrots. A one-half cup serving of cooked Brussels sprouts has 1.5 grams of insoluble fiber. Fruits with a generous amount of insoluble fiber includes citrus fruits, bananas, peaches, pears, plums, nectarine and prunes. Apples and blackberries are among the best fruit sources of insoluble fiber, with 3 grams in a serving. Again let me stress that these items depending on how they are managed, chewing well is one big factor, will determine the ultimate ratio of soluble and insoluble content derived from the product.
I personally try to mix soluble and
insoluble during the day and in fact when I prepare our daily smoothie I start
out with an apple. I take the apple stand it up stem up and go around the
apple and slice off slivers of skin with some flesh. I set the slivers
aside and start chewing on them. I then proceed to slice the balance of
the apple to be used in the blender. During the smoothie preparation I will
easily consume all of the slivers. Now I don't go out of my way to liquefy
the mix in the chewing process, but enough to provide a little batch of
"roughage" followed by the smoothie mix that is quite broken down.
Now my guess is if you investigated the make up of a stool (Not a pretty chore) but I have done it when questioning whether my pills and tablets were going down the drain (they were not by the way) you most likely would not find any pieces of the apple slivers. In other words they have been broken down in the digestive process and hopefully the insoluble nature will have done its job in the transportation process. I believe in the case of seed as in flax seed that if they were not ground up in a high speed blender or coffee grinder they would show up to some degree in the stool.
Incidentally I mention prunes and blackberries above. They both happen to be one of the best insoluble foods and they are also the two superstars in the anti-oxidant department. Put prunes and blackberries on your shopping list. You can buy blackberries frozen or fresh. We put the fresh on trays and freeze them as well.
You can't eliminate the threat of cancer
and all the other perils along with losing weight without an effective means of
managing your fiber intake. Fiber is what absorbs the bacteria and cancer cells
from your body and avoids recycling them because that is the last thing you
would want to do.
There are a great deal of misconceptions regarding fiber in the diet and
supplements and a study in it self. Most foods have a combination of soluble and
insoluble properties and one example is flax seed that has about half and half
and this depends on how it is managed.
In fact eating flax seed without any processing certainly lends it to close to a
100% insoluble food that has some benefits but not gaining the benefits of
releasing the on board properties within the seed capsule when you rupture the
seeds shell.
Fruits and vegetables depending on the variety have both properties and
especially the soluble properties that are converted to a gel that traverses
through the intestines, sponging excess cholesterol and a host of other wonders
to the body. We believe that the quality of the gel is determined by what you
eat and how it is prepared, therefore what you eat and how it is managed will
determine the efficiency factor of the fiber foods that pass through your
digestive track.
fact right below where they mention allergies you will see where they
state that chewing foods encourages the release of more "Histamine". Yet
they fail to relate the fact that histamine plays a huge role in allergies.
They only state that histamine results in decreased food intake and drops it
there. I personally think they dropped the ball here by not elaborating, although I can't be
critical of this fantastic article.
Allergic Reactions and Acid Wastes/Inflammation
Below is an excerpt from a feature we have just completed on inflammation. It zeros in on allergic reactions and testing. The link to the full feature follows the excerpt.
"Allergic reactions are distinctive because of excessive activation of certain white blood cells called mast cells and basophils by a type of antibody called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). This reaction results in an inflammatory response which can range from uncomfortable to dangerous.
A variety of tests exist to diagnose allergic conditions. These include placing possible allergens on the skin and looking for a reaction such as swelling. Blood tests can also be done to look for an allergen-specific IgE."
Now recently for some reason especially coming up to the north east from the tropics I have run into an increased weight problem, like 5 lbs. First time in 6 years that I have had to confront this weight business as I did years ago when I lost over 20 lbs. Shortness of breath scared the be Jesus out of me at the time and the Doctor said, "Lose weight or else" I believe he meant the "else" was like DEAD. Whooooaa, that was a little incentive to get on the stick. Unfortunately like most I need strong incentives to do what I should do.
I didn't correct my chewing problem then, but I still lost weight.
I feel I am entering into a different phase of my life, one where I cannot get the amount of physical exercise that I did 6 years ago and need the added kick of chewing to enhance all aspects of my regimen.
Now in my particular case to be motivated, I take a path of teaching the subject matter by first researching it, and as the old saying goes "If you want to learn something and/or motivate yourself, teach it" I guess it is something to do with ego when you teach someone you are bolstering the fact that you may know something that someone else doesn't. I would like to think that my ego is not driving me to pass on the word in the teaching process, but rather a humane drive.
Researched feature below...
Blueeyedcurse note:
We are great believers in the synergy of chewing different foods together.
Enzymic action is short lived, in some cases a matter of seconds. The old cider
maker that stands over the roller where the apples are going to the crusher
before pressing, tosses in special apples into the mix just before crushing.
We knew a Cider Master by the name of Lou Grancelli. He used to say
"It is in the blend and I am the master blender" He will tell you that squeezing different apples and pouring them into a
tank and then stirring the mix does not in anyway compare to the results of
the instant synergy gained from his process. We believe the same
applies to the chewing process. So my suggestion when you eat is go
out of your way to mix foods in a couple of forkfuls. We use nuts in
most of our meals. Nuts are a great food but high in calories.
We try to get at least a piece of a nut in each mouthful before we start the
chewing action. Check out our Nuts feature
The second reason is due to allergies. The more undigested food
you have in your stomach the more prone you are to getting food allergies. Food allergies hamper your weight loss and longevity. Your mouth has a
similar action for carbohydrates. Your saliva contains an enzyme called
salivary amylase. Salivary amylase works to break down carbs into simpler
most basic rule of thumb if you want to see the greatest absorption of the
good foods you are eating to lose weight is more chews equals better
digestion and absorption. The reason this matters is simply that undigested
and unabsorbed food sitting in your stomach and small intestine tends to
putrefy and cause allergic and inflammatory reactions. Take protein for
example. Proteins tend to be difficult for the body to break down. There are
many examples of proteins that are semi soft such as sushi, eggs, and
yogurt, really tender fish, which often are mostly swallowed without
chewing. What happens is these proteins have major portions of their mass
that sit in your stomach and literally rot and putrefy. Many people are
allergic to eggs primarily because they do not
adequately chew them.
Many including myself would have considered chewing food such as yogurt for
instance ridiculous. We eat yogurt twice a day, but we add fruits and
berries to it. We now chew this mix up thoroughly and in the process
chew or at least liquefy the yogurt in it. Remember the section above
on lingual lipase and it is needed to break down the fat in the mouth if you
give it a chance that is?
Good fat is essential in carrying nutrition
throughout the body. Even some saturated fat is needed, but my guess
is the chewing process of any fat will have a huge bearing on how much
benefits are derived from it. Last is the negative aspects of not
digesting fat properly. You talk about putrefication, fat and add a
little sugar to it in a meal and you are really talking a boiler maker.
All fats I believe have gotten a bad rap, simply because the body was not
given the opportunity to digest them properly. So in the case of fats
poor chewing not only deprives the body of the benefits, the fat not
processed raises holy hell in your digestive network.
Many people who have a difficult time with weight loss have a difficult time
with digestion and food allergies. Lack of adequate chewing is a principle
reason why.
you want the greatest weight loss in the short term, and to lose weight and
keep it off for a lifetime, you not only have to eat the right foods, but
you have to absorb them correctly. The single most important thing you
can do is to chew your food until it is basically a liquid in your mouth. By
doing this you will eat less, absorb more and keep your physiology young
longer by virtue of creating fewer toxins from digestion.
End of Lookcut article. Note: We added the chewing fellow.
are two last measures that you can take regarding the weight loss issue and
that is balancing your food at every meal and snack. In fact on the
right is an image of my afternoon snack that I will be chewing and chewing and
chewing. If you take a close look you will see the apple slices and in
the front you will also see a big ole brazil nut and to the right of that a
piece of chicken. Now how close this is to the 40% Carbohydrate, 30%
Protein and 30% Fats I don't really know. I do know one thing and that
is I practiced this 40-30-30 regimen for a year and 20 lbs came off of me
like butter. You will read in the 40-30-30 feature (Link below) when you practice
this balance at every meal and snack, you stimulate the hormone glucagon,
the fat burning hormone and fat burning it does. The apple of course
is the good carb, the chicken with a little fat on it is the protein and the
nut is a little good fat and it is critical.
We have written an extensive feature on this program. It is called the 40-30-30 program. The prominent zone diet uses these same principles and we would invite you to follow up on this by going to our ...... feature.
Last but not least is calories. If you start out by chewing your food to the point of liquification, you should be able to cut your calories a good 1/3, by simply reducing the volume of food you eat. Stay on this regimen for a period of time and keep an eye on the scale. I did every day for a couple of years. See how your energy level is and how you feel. If you feel good with the same energy level or more, you are gradually losing weight not necessarily every day stay with it.
I personally have found that cutting my volume down on the plate has
actually given me a visual reminder to chew. I look down after a
few forkfuls and say "Hey there isn't much left all of a sudden, I
have plenty of time to do some chewing baby". In fact I believe when
you face a mountain of food on your plate that you don't really need you
have a tendency to think "Woofing", like "Hey I better get started as
fast as I can or I will be here all day putting this stuff away".
My good wife keeps an eye on my eating practice. She notes that I take 2 or 3 forkfuls at a time. I told her that I don't swallow the first forkful, I just accumulate enough of the food in my mouth so that I can enjoy the synergy of the different foods and expedite the process. I don't mind chewing to liquification, but I can do 2 or 3 forkfuls in one operation. I guess it all boils down to how big a mouth you have. Now the guy above is not me and what he is about to inject in his mouth does not represent one of my forkfuls.
This is an extra experience we had one day at a cafeteria and you talk about "woofing". We were told this cafeteria was one of the best in town. They advertized "You will always find a table at Morrison's" So being in business I was curious how they could make such a claim. So the family and I approached the parking lot and looked over at the cafeteria and witnessed 2 long lines stretched out into the parking lot. I said to myself now how in the world can these people advertize "You will always find a table at Morrison's"
we got on line way out in the parking lot and worked our selves at a pretty
good pace inside the place and started to pick our food out. Now when
we got to the register as soon as we started to be checked out, a waiter
grabbed our trays and virtually ran to an open table. In fact we
couldn't even track where he went until we collared him and he frantically
directed us to the table. Now during the course of our "woofing
session" and woofing was just what it was, waiters and diners were scurrying
around again at this insane pace. So if you are subjected to a frantic
insane environment, you naturally join in and to be expected we were done
"woofing" our meal in a few minutes, because as soon as we put the last
forkful in our mouth a waiter literally grabbed the trays from our table and
gave us a polite "Please stop again" Hence "You will always find a
table at Morrison's"
This information is intended to heighten awareness of potential health care alternatives and should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.