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. What are
Free Radicals?
What are Anti-Oxidants?
What is
Damaged Oxidized Cholesterol?
What is damaged Oxidized anything?
If you learn the answers to these questions, there is a good chance you will not only extend your life, but you will improve the quality of your life. Let us help you learn.
First a short course on free radicals....It is a little heavy but understanding it could motivate you.
How Free Radicals are FormedNormally, bonds don't split in a way that leaves a molecule with an odd, unpaired electron. But when weak bonds split, free radicals are formed. Free radicals are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability. Generally, free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule, "stealing" its electron. When the "attacked" molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can cascade, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell. Some free radicals arise normally during metabolism. Sometimes the body's immune system's cells purposefully create them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However, environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can also spawn free radicals. Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Of particular importance is that free radical damage accumulates with age. How Antioxidants May Prevent Against Free Radical DamageThe vitamins C and E, are thought to protect the body against the destructive effects of free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating one of their own electrons, ending the electron-"stealing" reaction. The antioxidant nutrients themselves don't become free radicals by donating an electron because they are stable in either form they act as scavengers, helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to cellular damage and disease.
The Antioxidants and Disease Prevention
The Lesson: Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables!The antioxidants are believed to help protect the body from free-radical damage. But before you go out and stock your pantry with mega-doses of these vitamins, be warned: more is not always better. The long-term effect of large doses of these nutrients has not been proven. Other chemicals and substances found in natural sources of antioxidants may also be responsible for the beneficial effects. So for now, the best way to ensure adequate intake of the antioxidant nutrients is through a balanced diet consisting of 5-8 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. |
Blueeyedcurse note: Regarding the professional written material above in Italics, taken off of an Internet site, as most of our material is generated and with some barnyard theories from our days on the Farm.. We place a huge amount of importance on this material as it relates to free radicals and controlling them. In fact we would go as far a saying it is a life and death matter, as it applies to how long you will be on this earth and how much you and your family will suffer, if you don't address this issue.
the material above they stress consuming fresh fruits and vegetables to obtain
the anti-oxidants that you need to quench excess damaging free radicals in your
system. We don't argue that point at all, as we personally consume 9
to 10 servings of raw fruits and vegetables a day. We accomplish this with a powerful green smoothie every day that consists of approximately 60% greens and 40 % fruit, although the concentration and compactness makes it difficult to get an accurate measurement.
We believe there are situations where very sophisticated free radicals have been generated from high intensity physical activity for one example, where even the required amount of fruits and vegetables may not be adequate to do the job. This is where plant based supplements can come into the picture and a few inert minerals thrown it as well.
what is needed to do the job. Again it could require some of the more exotic foods and
the newest of supplements from Cacao beans, Astaxanthin from Algae, Pomegranate,
of course your good fish and fish oil supplements etc.
and more to be discussed below.
Ironically over doing even the best supplements can be counter productive and cause what they refer to as pro-oxidants when used in excess. It is reported that even the most potent anti-oxidants, Vitamin C, the Beta Carotenes etc. can actually work in reverse. Too much of a good thing is not good at times. We recommend again a diversity of good foods especially fruits and vegetables and a modest amount of natural supplements and taken together as most supplements are plant born and any excess is just eliminated. Again there are some supplements as in synthetics and mineral based that can be over done. Supplements we believe should be taken in moderation along with at least one day a week with a sabbatical. Sunday is our day. Zero supplements. Remember it isn't the volume of the supplements that you take it is the diversity as the body has an uncanny ability to grab even the most minute amount of nutrients if you provide it. If the body doesn't need it, no problem the other guys will just pick it up and carry it away.
Every day supplements?
Incidentally we do not do supplements every day. We believe in sabbaticals, hence we do not do supplements on Wednesday and Sunday. There are many that believe in a "drying out" period as too much of a good thing may not be good. We believe the body will actually respond positively to a break and actually it has been written that too many supplements if taken every day could work in reverse.
Laboratory and animal research have shown that antioxidants help prevent the free radical damage that is associated with cancer. However, results from recent studies in people are not consistent.
We believe that an array of known powerful anti-oxidants taken in moderation could have the ability to search out some of the more impenetrable sophisticated combinations of free radicals that are associated with Cancer and other ills caused by free radicals. Below is a list of the more sophisticated supplements we are using during our bout with my wife's breast concerns and I indulge in most of them myself as we have continued to benefit from the Junk Yard Dog approach we have felt chosen to do.
Now whether anyone or combination of these powerhouses will search and find the villains only God will know. Keep in mind that these regimens support the immune system along with the NKC (Natural Killer cells) so anti-oxidants make a 2 way assault on the bad guys.
Again in moderation... Fish Oil Omega 3 fatty acids. We believe we use the best available from Life Extensions as well as their Co-Q10. Resveratrol, Pomegranate extract (We buy the fresh Pomegranates in season and incorporate them in our smoothie each day) Garlic extract, but also fresh Garlic in many of our meals especially with Tomato sauce. (Bioastin Astaxanthin) This a out of Hawaii and is created from Algae. It is known as one of natures most powerful antioxidants. In fact it is billed as Natures strongest antioxidants but we are not going to take it that far. (Turmeric Curcumin) Lots written on this one. Coriolus Mushroom. As in the others this is believed to be a tumor fighter and a powerful anti-oxidant. Tagamet. A great deal written on over the counter Tagamets ability to prevent tumors from attaching to organs. We do take the other supplements, Selenium, Bromeline etc. with their full spectrum of unique properties, but in most cases less than the RDA recommendations.
We believe that it only takes a minute amount of any of these supplements to search and destroy the molecular structure of free radicals and especially as it applies to cancer if it is inclined to do the job. If it is not inclined because of inadequate properties this is on par with standard of care chemotherapy that is impotent. The difference between the natural approach of supplements and chemotherapy is that chemotherapy has been found to be damaging at times, although the jury is still out regarding its effectiveness. Chemotherapy in the US for the most part is not supported with Chemo resistant testing as being done in Europe.
I might add that in all cases we combine the use of the supplements listed above with raw fruits and vegetables as they have a built in protection in them to insure that if there is any excesses even while taken in moderation, the buffering ability will step in and protect you.
FATS Good and bad
Anti-oxidants generally are grouped into two categories.
Water soluble and Fat soluble anti-oxidants.
Water soluble anti-oxidants are derived primarily from mineral based fruits, vegetables, water etc. and certain supplements.
Vitamin C (found in citrus fruits and some green vegetables) is a water-soluble antioxidant and works in the watery areas of the body.
On the other hand, vitamin E (found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds) is a fat-soluble antioxidant and works in fat-containing parts of the body, such as the outer lining (membrane) of cells.
Let me state at this juncture that this is a very complicated body chemistry issue and one that I am by no means an expert. It is very possible that some of our many readers of could pick out errors in certain theories we have. When they do and we have been corrected before, the constructive criticisms are and would be welcomed and we would immediately correct the information after we feel confident that it needs to be corrected.
question is how can anti-oxidants be related to heart health?
The endothelium is
the lining inside of your vascular system net work and it isn't just sitting
there like the inside of an inner tube. The endothelium is a functioning
part of your body. How does it function? One way is it delivers
nutrients, enzyme hormones etc. to the lymphatic system that in
delivers it to your cells. This is done through the walls of the
endothelium as the blood does not directly serve the cells. The lymphatic
system takes on a dual role, as the fluids boogie through your body and
have a miraculous means to not only extract what it needs from the circulating
blood, but also it picks up wastes and delivers them to the garbage cans,
the lymph nodes. The nodes after processing delivers the finished product
back to the thoracic (blood) network and organs, kidneys, liver heart etc.
Ironically the wastes that accumulate in the walls of the endothelium, some call it plaque, is a fatty substance. It is a fatty substance because fats of all kinds are the key vehicle for nutrients etc. being delivered to the body. Fats by the way are the preferred source of energy in the body and one of the reasons you will find fat and cholesterol by the way in every cell of the body.
Unfortunately this
affinity for fat that is actually driven by the animals
for storing fat for the lean times as in hibernation, can have a toxic by
product that is manufactured by some of the fat producing mechanisms.
Certain additives to animal feed can be responsible for this and when you cook
that toxicity at high temps you are really adding fuel to the fire.
Refined sugar and refined grains as in bread, cookies, rolls, bagels etc.
unfortunately turn to fat and the toxicity is also stored with the fat.
When the body becomes active or the bear is hibernating and feeding on this
lethal substance, this release becomes a serious detriment and free radicals
become a big issue here. Of course the bear is only interested in making
it to the next year, let alone making old bones.
The fat storing is not just confined to the adipose areas as in your rump and side saddles. That same fat collects in your endothelium. I am sure it has a terrible affect on how efficient your blood to lymph transfer occurs and than of course there is the occlusion factor. You go into an ultrasound test for lets say your carotid arteries in your neck and the test results come back, 40, 50, 60% and up occlusion, this means that you have been storing these nasty fats where you don't want them. A good cardiologist may be able to predict what is going on in the rest of your vascular system by the occlusion factor in your carotids. Ask the good Doc for a periodic script for a carotid check. This will also tell you whether you have been naughty or nice. More on this issue below.
Now up until now we have been talking about bad fats and what they will do. Now lets look on the brighter side and investigate how we can put this fat soluble issue to work for us.
Again when they
say "Fat Soluble" I believe they are not only talking about the ability
for certain anti-oxidant fats to become soluble. I believe that there are
certain fats that can actually render and quench bad fats that have
accumulated lets say in your carotid arteries. This is not my
this is the universal medical theory behind certain foods and supplements.
My favorite scavenging fat foods are Portuguese Sardines without mercury out of
the Mediterranean, Sockeye Salmon out of the pristine waters of Wild Alaska and
lets throw in the one key element in the Mediterranean
olive oil, that keeps those chubby Spaniards, Italians, Greeks etc. from the
ravages of heart disease. Of course what helps them too is activity,
like working. Working in the fields and orchards pays dividends. Get
a life, get a garden, get some soil bacteria under your finger nails.
Again my chemistry knowledge is limited here so this lacks the full understanding, but one thing I have observed regarding "Good Fats" Olive oil in particular. After I eat my daily salad that has a generous amount of Olive Oil on it, I notice when I bring the empty plate to the sink that the Olive Oil easily is washed off of the plate without the need of a detergent. I am sure you have had fat laden plates lets say from ribs that of course are loaded with saturated animal fat and there is no way in hell that you are going to clean up that plate up with just water. You need very hot water and a strong detergent to do the job.
course the 64 dollar question is how well can the good water and good oil soluble fats cut
the animal fats in the pizza with pepperoni that my wife and I treat ourselves
to every Sunday evening? We don't pig out on pizza with plenty of raw veggies
alongside the 2 thin pieces I eat and the one piece my wife eats. Now 50 years
ago or more when we were dating we would inhale that big Pizza to your left
without a whimper, but of course heart disease did not enter our minds.
The only heart at that time that we were thinking about was Cupid.
There is also what they refer to as synergy in
anti-oxidants and that is where you combine your high anti-oxidant foods with
your modest amount of concentrated supplements. First taking them together provides a
buffer of sorts against excess and the consequences of it. We
believe that live foods as in fresh fruits and vegetables will consume any
excesses. I would never
take supplements without food, although there are medications that require it,
but that is not in my level of know how for sure.
In regard to synergy, anti-oxidants of different species seem to hop on board one another's molecules and exhibit a great deal more potency in quenching free radials than if independently taken.
Now with that I am
going to relate a "barnyard" experience we had back
in our apple knocking days.
For those of you who like to cook I believe that you can relate to the
importance of not only the ingredients you put into a meal, but what is the
sequence of inserting the different ingredients, the blend. A good cook
will call it the chemistry. Good cooks follow proven recipes to the tee
and that involves mixing the ingredients as directed. You ask a
master chef to put everything in a big pot and mix it and he could very will hit
you over the head with a frying pan. You can really mess
up a recipe by not inserting the ingredients in the proper sequence, let alone
not mixing it at the same time. There may be special situations where this
does not apply, but again out of my league.
leads me to our apple days and the making of apple cider. For those who
are not acquainted with the process, cider apples are ground up into a wet meal,
put into cloths and racks, stacked up and pressed with a hydraulic affair.
Now most cider makers use bulk tanks for the juice that are refrigerated. There are cider makers that know that they have to blend different varieties of apples to make a good blend, just like the diversification in foods and supplements that are advocated.
So the typical cider man presses, let's say 25 bushels of McIntosh and the juice flows into the tank. Then he may take 25 bushels of Delicious apples press them and the juice flows in the tank. This could go on for 4, 5 different varieties until the tank is full, the mix is stirred, his blend is completed and the bottling operation commences.
Now the master
cider maker goes further. I knew of one master that
supplied us with our cider and we had thousand gallon days at times like Sundays
in the fall at our market. That was a lot of juice going out the door.
If you viewed his
operation you would find this master cider man at the conveyor belt just before
the apples were crushed into this wet meal. As the McIntosh or other
varieties were rolling up the conveyer belt on the way to the crusher, he stood
there with special varieties that he inserted on the roller with the bulk
supply. I remember one of these special varieties that he used came from
our orchards. It was a golden delicious variety that had a rusty, rough
finish to the skin. In fact there was an old fashion golden type apple
that they called "The Russet" that obviously was a morphidite,
as some trees have their different characteristics, including some
sexual idiosyncrasy's that we inherited when we
purchased our trees. We thought that we purchased the
smooth skin pretty Golden Delicious, only to find out that we received this
rather unsightly species, almost like it had a disease. Using
standard root stocks at the time took us 15 years to find out, because that is
how long it took some variety's to grow and bear fruit. In fact we had one
variety the Northern Spy that took 25 years before we seen our first apple.
The "Russet" or whatever it was, turned out
to be a superior variety quality wise and this master cider maker had to have
them, to
work his magic. They ate good out of hand as well and people came
from far to buy them in baskets
and jugs. Thank you Kelly Bros
Nursery, Dansville New York. If I haven't convinced you to do your food
and supplement together, I never will and one more thing. There is a lot
said for chewing your food well. I am not going to go into all of
the pluses, but if you want the optimum amount of synergistic enzyme action in
your food mix, Chew your food well.
The master cider maker didn't add many, perhaps 5% of the entire batch. He claimed that the enzyme action of blending the apples just before crushing was critical in obtaining the quality that he sought and it was incredible how much better his cider was than the typical blend that was pressed one variety at a time and stirred into the tank.
Of course the moral of the story goes back to the synergy of foods and supplements being consumed and chewed in tandem, not an hour later, not 15 minutes apart, in tandem. Enzymatic activity is very short lived and when you talk about the ingredients of a cake mix, a barrel of wine or batch of cider, there may be just precious bonding seconds where the magic can occur. If you can achieve this bonding you will have unlocked the ultimate in free radical quenching.
can tell you one thing, when my wife is making a batch of oat bran muffins with
apples pieces and other stuff, you don't dare suggest that she changes her format as I
did one day. I thought that I would become victim to her rolling pin that
was within her reach that day. Her ingredients are measured to the ounce,
her ingredients are inserted at the same sequence without deviation and
have been every time for 50 years now and the results are incredible, take it
from me. Never argue with success.
Free Radicals/Anti-oxidants condensed.
Just a few facts to make a point and head you in the right direction.
radicals are both essential to life and harmful. The body produces oxygen free
radicals as a natural part of making energy in most cells. The body has
evolved a variety of defenses against free radicals known
as antioxidants.
Just about every plant derived food, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seed and legumes
have anti-oxidants. Some have more than others and some are superstars,
prunes for one. There are a few superstars in plant born supplements as
well. The superstars are what we are going to concentrate on in
this feature. These
quench/neutralize the free radicals after they are produced, allowing cells to
make energy without building up toxic levels of free radicals. Tissue
acid waste is associated with every ill known to man and is directly
connected to free radicals. Tissue acid
waste, free radicals, oxidants are basically one in the same.
This results in inflammation including what they refer to as "silent
This inflammation factor when traversing though the bloodstream can be responsible
for plaque build up in the vascular system as well as Alzheimer's, cancer and
all the rest.
piece of steel that rusts away is going through the oxidation
process. Essentially oxidants have entered
the molecules of the steel and starts the erosion process. A piece of fruit that
starts to rot is doing the same, even though the fruit has a certain amount of
anti-oxidants in the skin and just under, but the protection does not last that
long. A
malfunctioning human cell, whether it is in the breast, skin, prostate or
anywhere else is where the oxidation process has gone wrong for one reason or
another, but in all cases it is the lack of anti-oxidants that has created the
problem. Bottom line is that
anti-oxidants allow nutrition to enter the cell, mix with oxygen, burn
most everything off, and
if there is any residue there are no obstacles to take
the garbage away.
Now you put this
rusty iron in the ground for a year or so and it will quickly dissipate as the
oxygen and moisture of the ground really does a tune on it. On the other
hand if you take just a common weed seed and bury that for 50 years, it will not rot,
in fact it will germinate when
to the top of the ground after being exposed to the magic of the sun. Seeds are
given a miraculous ability to survive with powerful anti-oxidants on board.
We rely a great deal on seeds and nuts in our diet that
these powerful "survival" properties and don't think it is by chance that these
properties are transferred as they are via animal consumption. Just think
of this miracle of a seed being protected, the fruit from it being protected and
passed on to the final recipient in the chain, the animal if we are smart enough
to discover it. In case you are interested that picture on the left is my breakfast
most mornings. It still lacks the cut up fruit, berries and dried fruit
that tops it off. If you look close you will see a little fiber one,
almonds, walnuts, the green things are pumpkin seeds. The fine meal that
it is in, is a concoction of golden and brown flax seed, sesame seeds and
a couple of cacao beans thrown into our Proctor Sylex coffee bean grinder.
Remember the magic, the sooner you can eat something natural especially ground
up seed on the spot and cut up fruit, the better.
Echo Doppler
Lets take a short side trip here in the middle of this feature and bring out a test that is very revealing and just mentioning it here will hopefully motivate the reader to seek it out, via your physician.
A carotid artery test in the neck area may be able to help you and your Doctor as to what is going on in your vascular system. It could very well reflect the degree of plaque in other parts of the body, but that is not for me to determine. It is simple, painless and revealing. Of course there are other symptoms and modalities involved in cardiovascular health and professional care and I am not even going to attempt to address them, because of my limitations. An Eco Doppler ultra sound measures the degree of stenosis, the constriction of the area by plaque build up if any. My wife showed a 40% factor on her recent test. They said this was normal for her age. I can't reveal her age especially with her owning me for over 50 years now, so you can speculate if you dare. We intend to reduce this so called "normal" condition as it can be done and we will cover this below.
Most Doctors will give you a script for
the test, if you ask for
it, and if you
getting along in years and may have some indications of the advent of
heart disease. What I like about the carotid test is that if
it is done once a year or so, this allows you to monitor whether there is
an increase and closing of the arteries,
or if you are on the stick you could very well see a reversal, like the
work of a roto
rooter man. Yes, you can reverse plaque build up and we will show
you how through natural means, without a roto rooting. Incidentally
fatty fish like Sockeye salmon, sardines etc. and quality fish oils may be just
what you are looking for in the form of a cardiovascular roto rooting as
mentioned previously in the feature and is worth repeating.
So what can you do?
So the question is what can we do to minimize damaged/oxidized cholesterol, protein and just about anything that enters and dangerously clings to your body?
1. Avoid
heated foods or at least minimize them as they are the real cause of damaged
cholesterol and damaged protein as well. I believe that you can even
damage the water you drink with high heat. You certainly destroy the
mineral structure of water when you boil it or distill like we do to avoid
chlorine. We spike our distilled water with natural substances, a little apple
cider vinegar, lemon and cranberry juice. We hope that works and
reconstitutes the life of the water to some degree. We certainly want to
avoid the Chlorine killing the good bacteria in our gut. The perils of cooking
with high heat certainly applies to fatty meats and refined grains and
sugars. Sweets cooked at high heat with cheap fatty cooking oils are
dynamite to your body. The worst thing that you can do is indulge in a
piece of fatty
meat, larger than the size of the palm of your hand, cooked at high
temperatures, as in barbecue, microwave, deep frying and intensive
broiling. If you follow this with a sugary desert, that has had its
turn at high heat exposure (the cheap cooking oils) you create what they
refer to as glycation. Glycation is where the glucose molecule, merges
with the protein molecule and you don't have to be a nuclear scientist to get
the drift here. This contaminates the protein and degrades it.
You don't want to degrade your protein intake folks. And there is more.
The finished product produces not only free radicals and they are bad enough,
but the worst kind of free radicals, that cling to areas that they shouldn't,
like the pathways within your brain for one example. It doesn't take
a brain surgeon to connect Alzheimer's with free radicals and acid waste.
2. Load up with
fresh anti-oxidants because these free radicals are oxidants and you need to absorb
them and get rid of them. Allowing them to roam and not be scavenged is
the equivalent of leaving a bull in a china shop. Just to give you a taste of the champion
anti-oxidants they are... Prunes, Raisins,
types of Berries,
Broccoli, Kale and my very favorite dark green vegetable Parsley,
right out of our garden and eaten on the spot. I am talking every day a
full mouthful.
We have an extensive feature recently posted on our website regarding our daily smoothie intake as mentioned previously in this feature. A smoothie prepared with a high speed blender is the optimum method to extract antioxidants out of your food and do it in a way that is not excessive. Excessive antioxidant intake can actually turn against you and become oxidants. Taking in minute amounts of anti-oxidants from a variety of foods is the way to go and if you do take supplements be very modest with the dosage. In addition if you do indulge in supplements always take them with fresh raw fruits and vegetables as they will work in synergy with one another and actually compliment one another.
The Bean
One of the highest antioxidant foods is from the cacao bean. Chocolate is produced from the Cacao bean. Cocoa is from the cacao bean and is chock-full of a wide range of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, including the procyanidins epicatechin and catechin. Cocoa polyphenols seem to be unique due to their high availability and extreme effectiveness in neutralizing free radical activity. In fact, research has shown that cocoa contains more antioxidant polyphenols than any other food.
chocolate from the cacao plant is a good source of pure super polyphenols.
We prefer the 86% pure. Ghirardelli has a premium brand, Midnight Reverie.
Moderation here on chocolate as in everything, no more than one square a day and
if you have to eat the cheaper chocolates, don't eat them at all because of the
sugar. You can also buy the raw cacao beans as on the left and use 1 bean in our high speed blender and smoothie as it pulverizes the hard cacao shell where the coffee grinder does not.
We grind a mix every morning that includes 2 tablespoons of flax seed, 1 golden
and 1 brown for their lignin contents and
other nutritional benefits using the Proctor Sylex
coffee bean grinder and this is included in our cereal mix in the morning. Sesame seeds are great in a blender, but they gum up a coffee grinder.
The Health Benefits of Pure Cocoa
Flavonols are
a subclass of flavonoids, which are natural chemicals found in plants, fruits
and vegetables. Flavonoids, in turn, are the largest group of several thousand
compounds belonging to the antioxidant-rich polyphenol family (also called
phytochemicals). While all flavonoids are antioxidants, some have stronger
antioxidant properties than others, depending on their chemical structure.
Raw Cacao beans are available on the Internet and a little bag goes long way, but they are not for nothing.
Warning...There are some people that have reported unusual heart events when taking raw Cacao in different forms. We use only one bean shell and all through our daily blender. It shreds it completely into a magnificent fibrous intake. This is in addition to 1 square of the Gihardelli intense 86% dark chocolate a day. We also take a couple of supplements on a modest basis with Cacao with meals. So far we have not experienced palpitations or anything unusual with our hearts. I do know that our blood pressure has dropped down to a very favorable level since starting the use that frankly may be the result of all the good things we are doing for our health.
Our thoughts would be that people who have heart issues may have to reconsider the usage of raw Cacao. For those with healthy hearts they may want to continue the use, but as the old saying goes "Let the buyer beware". Check with your Doctor if you have any reservations at all, let alone any symptoms.
My personal thoughts are, everything in moderation/diversification and especially when you are dealing with a potent supplement or food such as cacao, it should be consumed with other good foods and anti-oxidants to buffer the potential side effects. Sitting down and eating a big portion of dark chocolate with Cacao without any thing to buffer it, other than a cola or something could be dangerous. Again too much of a good thing may not be good. If you take calcium supplements it is a good practice to separate anything with Cacao and Calcium in two different meals. They claim calcium is absorbed best at the night time meal, so anything cacao should be taken at the earlier meals. Cacao is a powerful polyphenol anti-oxidant, but it must be managed properly like the old cider master, only in this case we do not blend cacao with calcium.
Some of our meals are detailed in our feature.
Of course all fruits and vegetables have anti-oxidants. You have to throw nuts, seed and olive oil into the mix as the "good fat" in them provides the vehicle for the Cholesterol to transport the benefits to where they belong. Good fats are essential to the process.
Speaking of Olive oil we have all heard of the Mediterranean diet, rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, fish and olive oil. The anti-oxidant powers from the polyphenol rich compounds in Olive oil are huge. I can't see how anyone should not engage most days with a couple of real good servings of raw vegetables and coated with extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil. People who indulge in good fats either lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. I personally lost over 30 lbs in a little over a year and the "good fat" I included with a balance of protein and good carbs, I believe was instrumental in my success.
The ultimate combination intake of olive oil is with fatty cold water fish. There is an astonishing synergy between the two and the reason we have 4 lunches a day with either Tuna, Sardines or Salmon (about 4 ounces each ) all from the Northwest corner of our country off of Alaska. The Tuna has a negligible amount of Mercury and we believe whatever Mercury and other metals we consume are easily mitigated with our raw fruit and vegetable intake and in particular our green smoothie every day.
Aloe Vera
A True Green Anti-oxidant
Egyptians clearly wrote on their fabled walls and drew pictures of the Aloe Vera
Plant and their use of it for medicinal purposes.
(Pronounced asta-ZAN-thin) Now why they didn't put the Z in at the start instead of the X we will never know, at least at my level of literacy.
have recently been introduced to this powerful anti-oxidant called the "King of
the carotenoids". In fact it is written that scientists have not found a
stronger anti-oxidant for free radical elimination or what they call singlet
oxygen quenching. Astaxanthin is derived from the sea either by a process
that extracts it from different seas substances, algae for one or from
eating Salmon that feeds on these substances. They find that the substance in
Salmon is the highest concentration and it is in the muscles of the fish.
They claim this explains the salmon's Herculean spawning efforts, against
unbelievable conditions, that a human being apples for apples would not be able
to physically achieve. The internet is chock full of information on this supplement.
There are synthetic products on the market that do not cut it we are told.
The main producer in Hawaii calls their product "Bioastin" and we have added
this to our diet regimen. It may be able lower cholesterol and for those taking a
cholesterol lowering medication, they should check with their Doctors. My
wife has a borderline cholesterol issue, about 200. She is on a modest dose
of a statin 10 mgs. prescribed by a very cautious physician and she is deciding whether
to go off the statin and see if Astaxanthin will lower it, into even a more safer
range and do it without the concern of what a statin can deal you.
Bromelain supplements are from the stems of pineapples and more concentrated than the fruit itself, although I am sure the pineapple fruit along with some Bromelain has many fine health properties.
Bromelain modifies the production of compounds produced in the body that cause swelling and pain. By reducing inflammation, blood more readily circulates in an injured area, which reduces pain and accelerates healing. Bromelain also breaks down fibrin, a protein involved in blood clotting. Of course inflammation is a common occurrence in the body and one the most damaging. We take Bromelain on a regular basis, injuries or not and our very low C-Reactive Protein and Homocysteine levels checked every year in our blood work reflects that. Again don't take more than recommended, preferably less as more is not better.
Below is a link that does a great job of explaining the different elements of ant-oxidants and what they may do to prevent disease.
Note: This information is intended to heighten awareness of potential health care alternatives and should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.
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