So what does the Peacedale family eat and why?
Below is a list from morning to night regarding my personal dietary intake including liquids.
First thing in the morning......Glass of distilled water with tablespoon of Braggs apple cider vinegar warmed up a little in the microwave oven. In addition we have a slice of roast beef (about an ounce) wrapped up in a good size spinach leaf that we are told the iron in the spinach neutralizes the negative aspects of the iron in beef.
Breakfast......1/2 glass of pure orange juice with the most pulp, 1/2 glass of distilled water with a scoop of Warrior Whey Protein. Consumed during and after breakfast. One cup of decaffeinated coffee with a package of Stevia. Bowl of cereal consists of the following, 1 prune, a few dried pieces of cranberries, apricots, raisins. (Dried fruits have extraordinary benefits to the digestive system because of their high content of vitamins, minerals etc. along with reduced traffic time) A couple of Brazil, Walnuts, Almonds and Pecans. I sprinkle about 25 pumpkin seeds, about a tablespoon as I try to obtain close to 100 pumpkin seed every day and well chewed I might add. (Pumpkin seed are notable for their benefits for the bladder and prostate and recently have been noted for the amount of zinc that it is believe has a postive effect on colds and flu.
In addition we grind in a Proctor Silex coffee grinder seeds that we have mixed thoroughly and prepared in advance. The 4 seeds that are equal in amount are Chia, Sesame, Brown Flax and Golden Flax. I put in 2 tablespoons for my wife and two tablespoons for myself. I do the two tablespoons separately in the grinder as 4 tablespoons would be a little more than the machine can handle at one time.
We cut up and add a small amount of fruit (a couple of each), strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. (All berries are powerful antioxidants and we believe that the seed in berries are the key to their extraordinary value) We cut up 1 banana, my wife receives a third of the banana, I receive the balance. We top all of this with almond milk as we limit our dairy with just a pad of butter and a little cheese during the day.
Midmorning...... Another glass of orange juice as above (1/2 juice 1/2 distilled water) with a scoop of whey protein. I also indulge in another delegation of pepetia pumpkin seeds, about 40 well chewed. Everything followed with another cup of decaffeinated coffee with a smidgen of oat muffin.
only vice is a thin whole grain crust Kashi frozen pizza a good choice for
a treat once a week. My wife may slip on a few mushrooms, a few more
slices of pepperoni and a little sausage when no one is looking, although
we have lightened up on the extras recently. Our favorites are the Margarita or
They are very small
pizzas, perfect for 2 people cut in 4 pieces. When you eat a couple of pieces of them you won't have a guilty conscious as
this brand is superb. There is a little salt in these items but
are no problem if you follow a heavy regimen of potassium foods as we do to
counter and actually compliment the sodium.
Take note of the image above where we partition all of the rolled crust with a portion of the bottom crust away from the piece we will eat to cut down on the carbohydrates of the crust and gluten as well after we have scraped some of the toppings over to the main piece. You don't need that rolled crust anyway.
Note: The Pizza on the left is not a Pappa
Johns as this one is bigger than Pappa John's. 60 years ago my wife and I
would have inhaled this big sucker without a whimper. Pizza has processed
tomatoes (the most nutritious after processing) and even the cheese is
O.K. once a week. In fact the cheese in moderation has the valuable
Vitamin D3 in it. Go with the Kashi. It is thin light and
when you use salt for other purposes and we do as salt again can be a very
beneficial addition to your diet and health if it is the right source, we
recommend Himalayan salt. It is absolutely pristine and if you search "Himalayan
Salt Dr. Mercola" you will find it on the Internet.
Why do we eat what we do?
We don't expect to live forever, but
as old George Burns said "If I knew I was going to live so long, I would have
taken better care of myself". If you are blessed with an inherited long
life (in your genes) and you are doing your best to screw it up with a crappy diet, the
following information will help you understand why certain foods will add
quality years on to your life, instead of hanging in there and making it
miserable for your loved ones taking care of you waiting years for the lights to
go out. The guy that says "I am going to live my life the way I want and
when my time comes it comes, can be fooling himself" Unfortunately between when the time comes and
the lights go out along with the diapers they have to put on your hide can be a
long process, so whenever anyone gives me this "When the time comes" crap,
I say "Oh yeah, you think you are going to be one of the lucky ones and die in
your sleep?" Few people do, most go through hell before they meet their
we get into the heart of this feature, what we do and why, it is important that
we touch on the following issue, of damaged foods. The image and food on
the left is one of the 5 worst foods that you can eat from what we have read and
it is primarily because of the high heat process involved in their preparation.
The cheaper oils cooked at high heat create a free radical extravaganza.
You can eat the best foods in the world, but if you damage them with certain
cooking practices they can turn out to be lethal. If you are interested in
what the other 4 worst foods you can eat are, click the link below.
So what can you do?
So the question is what can we do to minimize damaged/oxidized cholesterol, protein and just about anything that enters and dangerously clings to your body?
1. Avoid
heated foods or at least minimize them as they are the real cause of damaged
cholesterol and damaged protein as well. I believe that you can even
damage the water you drink with high heat. You certainly destroy the
mineral structure of water when you boil it or distill like we do to avoid
chlorine. We spike our distilled water with natural substances, a little apple
cider vinegar, lemon and cranberry juice. We hope that works and
reconstitutes the life of the water to some degree. We certainly want to
avoid the Chlorine killing the good bacteria in our gut. The perils of cooking
with high heat certainly applies to fatty meats and refined grains and
sugars. Sweets cooked at high heat with cheap fatty cooking oils are
dynamite to your body. The worst thing that you can do is indulge in a
piece of fatty
meat, larger than the size of the palm of your hand, cooked at high
temperatures, as in barbecue, microwave, deep frying and intensive
broiling. If you follow this with a sugary desert, that has had its
turn at high heat exposure (the cheap cooking oils) you create what they
refer to as glycation. Glycation is where the glucose molecule, merges
with the protein molecule and you don't have to be a nuclear scientist to get
the drift here. This contaminates the protein and degrades it.
You don't want to degrade your protein intake folks. And there is more.
The finished product produces not only free radicals and they are bad enough,
but the worst kind of free radicals, that cling to areas that they shouldn't,
like the pathways within your brain for one example. It doesn't take
a brain surgeon to connect Alzheimer's with free radicals and acid waste.
We have written a ton on acid wastes and free radicals in our other features, but we want to focus on this critical area now.....
What are
Free Radicals?
What are Anti-Oxidants?
What is
Damaged Oxidized Cholesterol?
What is damaged Oxidized anything?
If you learn the answers to these questions, there is a good chance you will not only extend your life, but you will improve the quality of your life. Let us help you learn.
First a short course on free radicals....It is a little heavy but understanding it could motivate you.
How Free Radicals are FormedNormally, bonds don't split in a way that leaves a molecule with an odd, unpaired electron. But when weak bonds split, free radicals are formed. Free radicals are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability. Generally, free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule, "stealing" its electron. When the "attacked" molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can cascade, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell. Some free radicals arise normally during metabolism. Sometimes the body's immune system's cells purposefully create them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However, environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can also spawn free radicals. Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Of particular importance is that free radical damage accumulates with age. How Antioxidants May Prevent Against Free Radical DamageThe vitamins C and E, are thought to protect the body against the destructive effects of free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by donating one of their own electrons, ending the electron-"stealing" reaction. The antioxidant nutrients themselves don't become free radicals by donating an electron because they are stable in either form they act as scavengers, helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to cellular damage and disease.
The Antioxidants and Disease Prevention
The Lesson: Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables along with good fats as in nuts, seed, fatty fish, olive oil etc!The alkalinity and the water soluble property values of fruits and vegetables along with the fat soluble values of good fat is the ultimate in scavenging your body of wastes/oxidants/free radicals.Supplements Antioxidants are believed to help protect the body from free-radical damage. But before you go out and stock your pantry with mega-doses of these vitamins in supplement form, be warned: more is not always better. The long-term effect of large doses of these nutrients has not been proven. Other chemicals and substances found in natural sources of antioxidants may also be responsible for the beneficial effects. So for now, the best way to ensure adequate intake of the antioxidant nutrients is through a balanced diet consisting of 5-8 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. In fact we believe there is a synergy between good supplements and natural foods when taken together in a meal and again in moderation. |
I think that you can readily see that raw foods especially fruits, vegetables and seed can provide you with the ammunition you need to "scavenge" up the bad guys and the more sophisticated and diverse this array is, the more effective you will be in doing the job. We personally believe that it isn't necessarily the quantity of antioxidants taken in but the diversity. In fact you have heard that too much of good thing may not be good and this can apply to antioxidants in any form and one of the reasons all of our antioxidant intake is taken in moderation.
particular foods below are the superstars of antioxidants, and in fact you
will see where Prunes lead the pack hands down. My wife and I see to it
that we eat at least 2 prunes each day, the Sunsweet brand.. Prunes of
course hold the gold standard in intestinal health. But it isn't just the
therapeutic mechanics, we know what that is and why we confine our intake to
just 2 on our cereal in the morning. Very rarely do we have to increase
our intake of prunes, especially with our afternoon hard apple that we call the
The huge antioxidants that Prunes have seem to be neglected when talking
about their magical properties.
If you are concerned with the dreaded colon cancer, (What a dumb question) think about passing through your colon every day 365, a couple of prunes to obtain the anti-oxidants of the prune, directly into the colon lining, the superstar of them all along with the locomotive later in the day. You talk about polyps in the colon, my guess is that the prunes/locomotive are the dreaded nemesis's of Polyps.
Below are the Anti-Oxidant
Values of the Superstars
Prunes -- 5570 Raisins -- 2830 Blueberries -- 2400 Blackberries --2036 Strawberries -- 1540 Raspberries -- 1220 Plums -- 949 Oranges -- 750 Red grapes -- 739 Cherries -- 670 Kiwi fruit -- 602 Grapefruit, pink – 483
Kale -- 11770 Spinach -- 11260 Brussels sprout -- 1980 Alfalfa sprouts -- 1930 Broccoli Flowers -- 1890 Beets -- 1840 Red bell pepper -- 1710 Onion -- 1450 Corn -- 1400 Eggplant -- 1390
25 Power Foods
List of foods by the Strang Cancer Prevention Center
Apples, Avocados, Beans, Berries, Broccoli, Brussel's Sprouts, Canola Oil, Carrots, Cold Water Fatty Fish, Dark Chocolate, (We use the 86% Ghirardelli Midnight Reverie Chocolate, 1 square a day), Garlic, Kiwifruit, Nuts, Olive/Olive Oil, Oranges, Red Grapes, Pumpkin, "We get our Pumpkin from the seeds", Skim Milk (If you do not have a dairy intolerance), Spices, Spinach, Tea, Tomatoes, Whole Grains, Yogurt, (These last 2 items grains if they are processed and yogurt if you are not dairy intolerant) Almond milk from the soy milk people as we had to limit our soy intake with a higher than normal estrogen level. Soy does mimic estradiol and other than pre-menopause women who may need a little extra estrogen with progesterone for balance, too much is not good either.
Let's get started with what we eat...
So here goes from morning to night, 3 meals with 2 snacks in between. I have tried in the past 3 years to stay close to the 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 30% fat balance program (Similar to the zone diet) and it has worked to the tune of shedding 30 lbs. The program that I used in this successful weight loss program advocated this balance in every meal and snack.
The theory was simple. Balance your meals and snacks and you mobilize the fat and waste burning hormone Glucagon. Eat a meal or a snack that is top heavy in carbohydrates the bad ones (all carbohydrates are not equal) Fruits and vegetables are good carbohydrates with their fiber, refined grains as in in breads, rolls, bagels and sugars are bad carbohydrates and you will mobilize the fat and waste storing hormone insulin.
You will read in our livehealthy.htm feature our theory on the fact that a diet that stays close to the 40-30-30 principles not only burns fat off of your hide as in weight loss programs, we believe it burns the same fatty plaque substance in your cardiovascular network, your critical lymph network and guess what your brain is a glucose intensive area of your body and prone to fatty plaque build up. We believe that a 40-30-30 regimen has the ability to do the same for your brain as it does for your rump. Check out our feature
We know now that it is the sugar that makes you fat, not fat.
also try to maintain a diet that is about 75% alkaline and 25% acid forming
foods. Surprisingly there are many foods that you would suspect to be acid
forming, the Braggs apple cider vinegar for instance. It is an alkaline forming food
because of the large amount of minerals in the vinegar. Vinegar is also a
valuable source of pro-biotics by the way. Vinegar has been used for a
cleaner for ages and it isn't because it is acidic, it is because it is
Breakfast at Peacedale
In the photo below you will see the bottle of Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. I use a tablespoon in the large glass of water. (Have for over 40 years now) I add about 2 squirts of concentrate lemon juice and a dab of honey with it, even throw a dash of paprika with its potassium content. Lemon juice goes in acid and quickly converts to a bi-carbonate and one of the finest alkaline foods you can eat. I had a good case of acid reflux a few years back and went on the vinegar, lemon and honey drink and my problems disappeared. I did cut the bad sugars out at the same time though so that could have been more of contributing factor. I warm some water in the microwave to make the honey, lemon juice and vinegar mix better. The little glass on the lower right I put some warm straight distilled water in to wash my eyes with an eyecup, a little after the shaving operation.
The honey, lemon and vinegar mix satisfies my goal of spiking most of the distilled water we use, as we feel the kidneys need some minerals in the water for various reasons, one being the alkalizing effect and its affinity for wastes filtering through the kidneys. We stay clear of chlorinated water for many reasons, one being that it can kill all of the bacteria in your gut, good and bad.
Along with our first dietary adventure in the morning, apple cider vinegar, lemon and honey drink we include 1 ounce of Boars Head Roast Beef although at times we prefer the supermarket brand over Boars Head that can be dry at times. A little fat in meat is not all that bad if you have a diet that is weighted with good fats that easily devour the bad fats. We do not eat a great deal of red meat but the amino acids etc. in red meats are very beneficial. Chicken and fish is another essential in the meat diet regimen. It is just a question of moderation, like 4 ounces at a sitting. We are told that protein first thing in the morning arouses ones neurons to the brain and slows up any carbohydrates that follow in the breakfast meal from blasting into the system and arousing the hormone insulin that as we know is the fat and waste storing hormone. I do have a little help with that roast beef in the morning as my little Maltese puppy Kristina wants to arouse her neurons and flatly denies the fact that she is somewhat partial to Roast Beef.
the left is a cocktail that we drink at breakfast. It helps to down a few
supplements we take. We mix it with 12 ounces of distilled water. With the heavy sports activities we participate in I try to get at
least a half a gallon plus of liquids in me every day and this helps. My wife and I split a can of Tomato juice in the
mix. We also use a whey protein
mix, one big scoop gives us about 10 grams of protein. We favor the GNC
brand as it is 100% whey protein. We do not indulge in a great deal
of animal protein, but protein is important and this whey protein along with the
protein in beans, nuts, and seed provide us with a diversified mix and good
sources of protein. I fill the glass up with distilled water and leave a
little room for some soy milk to top it off. Note: Keep in mind if
you are found to have a dairy allergy you may have to eliminate the whey protein
as it is dairy related. In my case dairy being a problem I have had to
pick up my protein with extra roast beef and chicken.
Tomato juice incidentally is one of the 3 or 4 sessions a day that we partake in tomatoes of some form. Every day it is the tomato juice in the morning, raw tomatoes for lunch on the salad and I like the grape tomatoes, they are sweet and the smaller they are the more nutrients there is because of the skin to flesh ratio. Raw grape tomatoes on salad at supper. Some nights we top off the fish and meats with Paul Newman's tomato sauce. He has the best and I am sure you know tomatoes that are processed have more beneficial properties than the one's that are not, especially because of the Lycopene factor.
Most of the nutrients of fresh tomatoes (as in most fruit, vegetables and seed) are in the outer layers just under the skin. This is where the anti-oxidants reside, the powerful encapsulating protectants. Just think a seed in the ground for 50 to 100 years if uncovered to receive the rain and the sun will sprout in all of its glory, where a hunk of a steel will go to dust in a few years.
The skin of fruits and vegetables have a built in protectant and if you want to prove it, wash an apple and put it on a counter for a few days with an apple that was not washed and see how dull and how fast the washed product deteriorates.
Now do you think that the good Lord did not conceive the idea of passing on these same protectants used by the seed/plant etc. to the animal who has the instinct or is smart enough to indulge in them?
In our breakfast mix (We don't call it cereal) we use a concoction of nuts, seed and fruit. Our fruit ingredients for our breakfast mix is Blue Berries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Kiwis, Mangoes, Peaches, Bananas, Cherries, Avocados whatever is in season etc.
Walnuts have a generous amount of Omega 3's in them and one of the reasons we are weighted heavily in Walnuts as you will see below. Out of 1200 or so foods tested for their anti-oxidant content Walnuts ranked number 2 and guess what food was ranked number 1???? Black berries. We buy our blackberries frozen and put in 1 or 2 in our yogurts twice a day with all the other stuff we eat. Most frozen berries we believe are picked and handled at peak quality and easily dispensed in frozen loose form. We just believe that frozen products that include raspberries, blueberries and even pineapple chunks are best. Trying to maintain the quality of fresh berries out of the supermarket is an effort in futility as you usually wind up dealing with an inferior product half way through a "fresh" package and chucking out some at the end. Strawberries seem to be an exception as they are readily available throughout the year. With Blueberries there are abundant times as in Carolina and Jersey seasons when you can place them on a cookie sheet, freeze them and they place them into containers.
Below is some illustrations of our nut supply and portions that are used in our salads, "cereal" and snacks. There are 2 photos below. There are the Mexican Pumpkin Pepetia seeds that we use twice a day. About 25 or so on our "cereal" in the morning and 25 or so mid morning snack. Pumpkin seeds have been advertised world wide for years for their beneficial properties regarding the prostate gland. I don't think you can do any better than taking them in the raw form, chewing them good. The sesame seeds below we put about 1 scoop on the "cereal". They are high in beneficial lignin's just like flax seed. In fact it is such a potent anti-oxidant, Life Extensions in Ft. Lauderdale has incorporated them into their fish oil capsules, to preserve the oil from oxidation. Sesame seeds in the whole form do not seem to be hard shell and I believe the body dissolves them nicely, unlike the hard shell flax seed that have to be ground and there will be illustrations that follow this concerning that matter.
Above in the photo at the top on are a few items, mangoes, pineapples, prunes, some dried apricots. In the two dishes, there are some frozen blackberries, raisins, blueberries and raspberries.
Added a little Fiber One above. Fiber One happens to be a great pre-biotic leading up to a pro-biotic.
The 3 containers at the top of the above photo are storage containers kept in the fridge. They have tops on them and stack nicely on top of one another to save room. From left to right, mix nuts, pumpkin seed and the third container on the right is a mix of 2 parts golden flax seed, 2 parts brown flax seed and 1 part sesame seeds, along with 1 cacao bean each. Take note of the Cacao beans that are in the container with the seed. This is just for convenience, so we don't have to have and everyday container for the cacao beans.
To the left is a nice batch of cookies and another one of our vices. One a day for lunch and guess what they are Gluten free thanks to Betty Crocker Gluten free cookie mix and they are in most supermarkets. They are delicious.
Check out our "Nuts to you" Nuts are critical to a good diet and you will enjoy the feature above.
One of the highest antioxidant capacity is from
the cacao bean. Chocolate is produced from the Cacao bean.
Cocoa is from the cacao bean and is chock-full of a wide range of antioxidant
compounds called polyphenols, including the procyanidins epicatechin and
catechin. Cocoa polyphenols seem to be unique due to their high
availability and extreme effectiveness in neutralizing free radical activity.
In fact, research has shown that cocoa contains more antioxidant polyphenols
than any other food.
Dark chocolate from the cacao plant is a good source of pure super polyphenols. We prefer the 86% pure, Ghirardelli premium brand. You can also buy the raw cacao beans as on the left and detailed above.
The Health Benefits of Pure Cocoa
Flavonols are
a subclass of flavonoids, which are natural chemicals found in plants, fruits
and vegetables. Flavonoids, in turn, are the largest group of several thousand
compounds belonging to the antioxidant-rich polyphenol family (also called
phytochemicals). While all flavonoids are antioxidants, some have stronger
antioxidant properties than others, depending on their chemical structure.
Raw Cacao beans are available on the Internet and a little bag goes long way, but they are not for nothing. If you take calcium supplements it is a good practice to separate anything with Cacao and Calcium in two different meals. They claim calcium is absorbed best at the night time meal, so anything cacao should be taken at the earlier meals. Cacao is a powerful polyphenol anti-oxidant, but it must be managed properly like the old cider master, only in this case we do not blend cacao with calcium.
We slip in 4 eggs a week to our morning breakfasts. Two on Sunday scrambled with some lean bacon for a treat. We don't do the "cereal" on Sunday. It is like a sabbatical, in fact I personally am supplement free on Sundays. I think the body needs a break periodically from supplements. A couple of times a week with "cereal" I have a boiled egg. This gives me the American medical societies recommendation for eggs and I'll buy that.
Eggs are an excellent nutrient-dense food that packs six grams of protein, a bit of vitamin B-12, vitamin E, riboflavin, folic acid, calcium, zinc, iron, and essential fatty acids into a mere 75 calories. Second to the lactalbumin protein in human milk, eggs have the highest quality protein of any food. In addition to being good for the body, eggs can be prepared in a variety of tasty ways.
We've often heard or read that eggs are bad for the heart because they contain a lot of cholesterol. Not necessarily! The nutritional logic that gave good eggs a bad rap goes something like this. Foods high in cholesterol are bad for the heart. Eggs are high in cholesterol. Therefore, eggs are bad for the heart.
While this may meet the standards of a logical argument, it isn't altogether true. New insights into the fatty foods/heart disease connection reveal that in people with normal cholesterol metabolism it's not cholesterol that clogs arteries, it's foods high in saturated and hydrogenated fats as well as the nasty fat produced by sugar and insulin conversion. There is a small proportion of people who are termed "cholesterol sensitive," because their blood cholesterol levels rise when they eat foods high in cholesterol. In the great majority of the population, the amount of cholesterol in the diet does not affect blood cholesterol, since cholesterol is manufactured in the liver regardless of whether or not you eat it in a food. Saturated fats (and factory-made fats, such as hydrogenated ones) are far greater problems than dietary cholesterol, and compared with some other foods, eggs are not an especially high source of saturated fats. (Egg white is almost pure high-quality protein: so if you are a cholesterol- sensitive person, skip the yolk and eat the white.)
To show you how unfair it is to implicate the egg in cholesterol problems, consider that an egg contains only two grams of saturated fat and 75 calories versus seven grams of saturated fat and 268 calories in a small (3.5 ounce), lean hamburger patty. Even though a hamburger may contain only 100 grams of cholesterol as compared with 210 grams in one large egg, most quarter-pound hamburgers contain four times as much saturated fat as the innocent egg. Eggs actually qualify for the "low in saturated fat" label.
If the American Heart Association is not
concerned about the cholesterol in eggs, neither should you. In light of the
recent evidence clearing cholesterol as a heart-unhealthy food, the American
Heart Association changed its tune and now regards an egg every other day as
acceptable for people with normal cholesterol and those who are not sensitive to
dietary cholesterol. Now that the egg has been found "not guilty" as a
cholesterol-raising food, scramble it up and enjoy.
Last but not least we finish the breakfast off with a cup of decaf and a 1/2 of an oat bran homemade muffin. The best part of the breakfast.
Aloe Benefits
Aloe contains more than seventy-five
nutrients that act synergistically and create an awesome force for your health.
Further, its average pH is a “balancing” 4.55.
Aloe Vera is a desert plant that’s been treasured for centuries for its ability to enhance health. Records show that Cleopatra used it to protect her skin from the sun and stay young-looking, too.
Now you can do the same, and receive all these benefits:
Mid morning is Aloe Vera time for me.
Did you know that Aloe era is one of the most nutrition-packed and biologically-alive liquids on the entire planet? Hardly any natural plant can beat its many benefits to your body.
we personally eat
straight Aloe Vera gel eaten out of the garden. Aloe Vera in pill form or
juice form is most likely impotent. It appears plant material that has the
most significant properties are volatile and the more volatile the chances of
their properties going up in smoke once the product is breached with processing
it in any way. If you don't want to grow your own Aloe Vera (The
Barbadensis variety as suggested in our feature) and rely on
commercial tampered with products we would suggest forgetting about the use of
Aloe entirely and save your money.
One reservation and that is the fact a lot of our foods that we cannot buy fresh, we go to frozen as in berries in the off season, even fish products. Now if there is an Aloe blast frozen product or for that matter dried, this could be an avenue. We have not gone out of our way to search for anything of this nature with the plantation we have developed as shown above on the right in our back yard.
Now what we do is filet the gel off
of the leaves as shown in the photo on the right. Now once you take
the skin off as demonstrated leaving some of the
gel on the skin you have two elements to work with. The skin with some gel
and the heart of the leaves in gel form. We believe that the milder part
of the Aloe, the gel can be used for internal purposes or at least we use it for
internal purposes. The gel close to the skin is known to
be more potent and can actually cause digestive problems if ingested.
I would suggest a modest amount perhaps a tablespoon (clear gel only) 3 or 4 times a week if your Doctor goes along with it. I personally do 7 days a week with no ill effects.
Now the leaves with the small amount of residue gel on it works very well for me to apply it on my skin, burns, cuts, wounds etc. In fact we feel that the skins potency is just what the Doctor ordered and we have not experienced any skin problems using it on our skin.
Mid Morning Snack at Peacedale
Above are the elements of my midmorning snack at Peacedale. 1/2 glass of orange juice with pulp. This juice drink is the only fruit juice I drink because of fruit juices sugar content, although I have been adding a little 100% pure Pomegranate juice for the mineral/electrolyte content to my workout water lately, along with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a few squirts of lemon juice. We use Stevia in our decaf coffee, a few cups a day and incidentally coffee without the caffeine is nutritious at least the coffee bean growers tell us that. I only do this snack on days that I have been very physically active as in handball sports or heavy gardening. I feel that although I rely on good fats for energy, that I deplete the sugar into my system on these days. We do need a certain amount of sugar in our systems at all times. This little amount I feel with the orange juice with pulp, the fiber from the pumpkin seeds and fat slows down the blasting of sugar and does not result in an insulin issue, which I go to all extremes to prevent. I do throw in a hefty scoop of Whey Protein about 10 grams of protein to maintain my balance of carbs, protein and fat.
Lunch at Peacedale
at Peacedale is an adventure as you can see to the right and especially
challenging for a wife that has to prepare it. The amount of work in
this chore is one of the reasons I worship the ground she walks on and another
reason after 50 years I have decided to keep her, even though she is
a little pricey. There is about 3 measuring cups of dark colored raw organic
vegetables. A palm full of mixed nuts. About 3 ounces of sardines
caught off the pristine waters of Portugal with nothing to little in mercury
contamination. I to 2 days of sardines and 2 days of Wild Sockeye Salmon
that I get in cans. They can right on the boats and you can't beat that and
you can't beat Sockeye. It has the most Astaxanthin in it and of course
the beneficial fish oil. In the intestinal flora department there is sliced pickles,
and you can see the big blob of sauerkraut on the top, another intestinal
enhancer. Don't worry about
the salt in these items as they
are muted if you are on a high alkaline diet and in fact the sodium in these items will act in concert with the
other minerals that you will be taking in.
There is also black beans and chick peas for their soluble fiber content as well
as the protein. Incidentally the beans and sauerkraut are the Bush brand,
they are superb. All of these foods lend to an efficient digestive system
and they work with the good bacteria that you need.
addition to our salads is cottage cheese occasionally and you will clearly see the 4 dabs of
it on the top of the salad to your left. You may be able to pick up the
wild canned Sockeye Alaskan Salmon chunks as well. We have done extensive research on
Vitamin D3 foods recently and in fact we have updated our Sun and You feature and the critical aspects of Vitamin D3 foods in the diet. There
are not many foods that have the full compliment of Vitamin D3 properties in them, but cottage cheese and salmon
are two of
them. When I say full compliment I am talking the essential fatty acids,
the good fat, calcium along with the other mysterious properties that make up the Vitamin
D3 entourage.
Yes I know that the sun plays a huge role in this if you take advantage of it,
but where along the chain the sun comes in is up for question. I
have a revolving door theory, where I believe that the sun does not necessarily
initiate the process with the UVB rays, in fact I believe there are
messengers that are sent out with special compounds that are continually
circulated and the more optimum these messengers are when the sun does its work
will determine the quality of the Vitamin D3 that is processed. In fact we
know that the suns intervention can be eliminated with various
claiming to be Vitamin D, but not getting enough sun is like taking the league leader in
home runs out of your lineup. You can still play the game and perhaps
avoid some of the Vitamin D deficient maladies, but when it comes to
tackling the big hitters like cancer, Alzheimer's, lymphoma and heart disease,
I personally want my full starting lineup.
If you would like some more information on the Sun and Vitamin D3 check out our feature
Incidentally we feed our dog Kristina part premium Wysong brand, along with raw meats as dogs were designed to eat raw meats. All the vets tell us Wysong is the best you can buy and if I had to wash dishes at night at some dive to buy it, I would for her. She is my baby. If you read the ingredients in this dog food you will be shocked to read how many fermented food items are incorporated into it. Almost everything is fermented this and fermented that. Of course dogs can eat rotten meat and thrive on it, where we would be hospital bound if we ate it. We need a certain amount of good bacteria in our diet and you will note the yogurt in the photo below that adds to it as well. The yogurt is the low sugar, low fat brand and the cut up fruit is clearly evident in it. Lets not forget the lycopene loaded watermelon up a little in an illustration on the left. 365 days a year you can get watermelon now. We eat watermelon 365. Down the hatch with a glass of green tea mixed with distilled water along with some supplements.
Mid afternoon snack
you can see we have a few components in this snack and we try to observe the
40-30-30 balance of Carbs, Protein and Fat. If you are trying to lose
weight check out our 40-30-30 feature on It worked like a charm for me (30 lbs). To
detail the items here, you start with the apple. (There is nothing and I will
repeat nothing that benefits you more than an APPLE A DAY.) A fair sized
apple has about 20 grams of carbohydrates. An apple has one of the highest
contents of anti-oxidants and fiber that you can eat. You have the chicken about 1 1/2
ounces 7 grams of protein to the ounce lets figure the chicken at 10
grams of protein. Now the fat you have to add the fat from the chicken
about 3 grams to the ounce and the "Good" fat from the nuts about 7 grams
of fat, total about 10 grams of fat.
So on this basis we are a little
over on the carbs in relations to protein and fat. You have a
fiber factor here though and if you subscribe somewhat to the Atkins diet
principles, he has a theory that carbs with high fiber should be discounted from
the total carb count. I guess at the
apple being around a 7 or 8 fiber
count factor,
deduct that from the 20 this brings you down to 12 or 13 and with this you are
pretty close to 40-30-30. Speaking of apples, please catch our feature on
in the website. Look for the "Saga of the Red Delicious apple" You
will enjoy it for the benefits of the apple plus there is a human nature story
of our life and the start of our farming career.
There are a couple of pills along with glass of water. My cholesterol runs about 220. My parents had higher readings and lived into their 80's I take 10 mg of Policosonal as a little insurance. It is natural cholesterol product and I prefer it over the statins. It has raised my HDL readings from the 60's into the 80's and dropped my total to 220 from the 230's and lowered my LDL some as well. The high HDL negates my lofty total 220 cholesterol concerns with my Doctors. Another heart healthy supplement we take has the same properties as Sockeye Salmon and that is Astaxanthin. The product that we use is Bioastin from the people who manufacture it in Hawaii. We take 2 a day, each. The other pill is CoQ 10 again as a precaution regarding any cholesterol medications depleting this essential nutrient. Statins deplete CoQ10 and this is from multiple sources. Life Extensions have a very good absorbable CoQ10 and this is important.
Note: Smoothie Alternative
is an excerpt from a feature regarding an alternative to our mid day
snack We believe it is one of the
most important inclusions we have made into our dietary regimen. In
addition it follows the powerful principles of the 40-30-30 concept that we know
takes weight off of you, but also has the ability to clean your arteries and the
biggest bonus of all is how this concept regulates your sugar.
So why are the green smoothies, with some fruit so healthy? It all starts with the inadequate nutrition that is an epidemic today. The American Cancer Society recommends eating 5 or more servings of a variety of vegetables and fruits each day". 9 is our target each day. How many people do you know that are taking in this kind of nutrition? Nutritional deficiencies are responsible for so many of the diseases that people are experiencing today.
Dinner Time
We have our 2 supper fish meals a week, usually a Salmon and a Scrod or Filet of sole (Look for some cold water flounder) and always with the salad on the plate to meet our 75% alkaline to 25% acid ratio. Salad with the Kashi's pizza too!
Note: One minor change we have made in our dinner meals is adding fruit on our dinner plate, some grapes a strawberry, mangoes etc. These items represent the fibrous carbs in our regimen and help in our pursuit for a 40-30-30 balance in every meal and snack.
Reactions and Acid Wastes/Inflammation
Some of our dietary habits have changed since detailing what we eat above. At this time we are eliminating Gluten products, Dairy, and Potatoes. We have a questionable coffee issue and have cut it down to 2 cups a day. Gluten was a slam dunk in our recent testing and my guess is we will remain gluten free for life. Dairy, Coffee and potatoes were in the equivocal range and that is where the testing numbers are creeping close to the positive out of range area. We hope that we can gradually bring some of these items back into our diet regimen with the process of elimination and challenges but for now we are going cold turkey on these above items. (Well almost cold Turkey as we do cheat a little, the exceptions being a couple of cups of decaf coffee a day , a little wheat in the crust of 2 modest pieces of pizza on football Sunday with a little cheese. We have gone back to "Grandmas muffins" They have some oat bran, but have cut them in quarters and eat 2 quarters a day).
Below is an excerpt from a feature we have just completed on inflammation. It zeros in on allergic reactions and testing. The link to the full feature follows the excerpt.
"Allergic reactions are distinctive because of excessive activation of certain white blood cells called mast cells and basophils by a type of antibody called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). This reaction results in an inflammatory response which can range from uncomfortable to dangerous.
A variety of tests exist to diagnose allergic conditions. These include placing possible allergens on the skin and looking for a reaction such as swelling. Blood tests can also be done to look for an allergen-specific IgE."
Now you know what the Peacedale Family eats!
This information is intended to heighten awareness of potential health care alternatives and should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.
Snail mail us....
We don't publish our e-mail address as it would take us most of the day answering e-mails from the thousands of hits we get each week from all over the world and we do not this for a profit.
If you are serious about opening up a dialog send us a snail mail. We feel that anyone taking the trouble of doing a snail mail is serious enough for us to respond with our e-mail address. Please include your e-mail address and any questions or input you may have.
Bob Martino
1001 Washington Street
Hollywood, Florida