Fruits and Vegetables
Vegetables and fruits are healthy sources of insoluble and
soluble fiber.
One of the best ways to take advantage of the synergy of mixed fruits and vegetables is using a high
speed blender. Our personal preference is the model on the left
I personally try to mix soluble and insoluble during the day.
We believe a daily smoothie with a potpourri of different foods is the right way to go.
Legumes are a great source of insoluble fiber.
I personally believe that a daily smoothie can virtually eliminate the terror of colon cancer along with minding your P's and Q's like tobacco, booze, high heat cooking etc. In addition we believe the alkalinity of a smoothie can have a profound role in preventing Alzheimer's disease.
Can You Store Smoothies?
We never make smoothies and store them as again enzyme action is very short lived.
We go on the premise that the life and strength of a smoothie is measured in minutes.
Get it down, enjoy! Occasionally my wife has a hair appointment and I have to make hers with mine, put some saran wrap on it and refrigerate it for an hour or so.
How much is lost, I am not sure.
How much?
At one time we thought a full glass of this mix was what the Doctor ordered. We soon found out that a full glass was much more than our bowels would tolerate.
We have since cut down to a half a glass of this mix for our daily smoothie and found this to be just about right.
We have tried to cut down on the volume of product in our mix but still have some liquid that is left over. Rather than consume it all we just dump it in the drain.
If you have multiple parties in your household that can consume the entire mix this is great, but if you are alone or just two it is tough.
Do the best that you can but don't overdo it. Just drink enough that your bowels will tolerate.
If you put a can of soup in a high speed blender it will be piping hot in a jiffy.
Raw vegetables are about the only abundant source of vital enzymes. A green smoothie with fruit and berries that is not destroyed with high heat from friction will provide you with live enzymes and maximum anti-oxidants.You will find that in order to establish the desired consistency of the mix you will have to be very prudent with the amount of each component that you use.
In fact when you start you may come up with a thick mix and be tempted to down it.
Big mistake. Our suggestion is until you gauge the right amount of solids if you do come up with a mix that is real thick, dump out some and add more liquids. Just mix up the contents with a spoon.
It will be a waste and you may hate to do it, but your digestive track will appreciate it.
Try to buy medium apples. An apple is great in a smoothie but it consumes a lot of room. Slice it up (chew a few pieces as you do it, remember an apple is still Natures Tooth brush) Don't throw away the core.
You may want to knock off the stem and calyx end but blend the core seeds and all.
Below is an apple that is sliced in half. We take one half and include them in our smoothie mix. The other half we chew up as we prepare the smoothie.
So essentially we chew the slices up fairly well but not to the point of liquefaction as we feel a little roughage chased by the smoothie is the best thing you can do for your colon.
Remember it isn't how much of anything you put into the mix, it is the diversity and synergy you get when you blend many whole live foods together. The complexity of a synergistic mix is what is needed to neutralize the molecular complexity of the unwanted free radicals roaming your body as stated in our Alzheimer's theory above.
Ironically free radicals are needed in some of the bodies functions. It is when they get out of hand and proliferate as in cancer.
A green smoothie is the great equalizer and brings everything into balance, free radical and alkaline chemical balance wise that
Greens are among the most important foods for us to eat. There are many studies that show their cancer fighting qualities.
Adding greens to the diet can restore health very quickly. When we give our bodies the nutrition they need, amazing things begin to happen.
Green smoothies give us a concentrated amount of fresh greens in a way that would be difficult to achieve through other means. On top of the addition of so many important nutrients, green smoothies also help unhealthy cravings to disappear because when our bodies are receiving adequate nutrition, they no longer tell us they are hungry from lack of nutrients in our food.
Another reason green smoothies are such a great option is that if you are using a high power blender to make them, the fruits and veggies will be broken down to a size that is easily assimilated by the body and all encapsulated nutrients will be exposed.
Metal Toxicity
Blenderizing nutrient-dense vegetables and berries are important. By doing this you absorb a higher percentage of the nutrient flavonoids from those foods.
Simply eating vegetables allow only about 20 to 30 percent of the nutrients to be absorbed. Blenderizing raises that number to 80 to 90 percent.
Incidentally there have been recent laboratory studies that have indicated that 5 vegetables in particular have a generous amount of Vitamin K.
It has also been established that Vitamin K is a huge cancer fighter in many ways.
We won't go into detail in this feature but the 5 vegetables are Spinach, Swiss Chard, Arugula, Wheat grass and Kale.
You will read that we also use modest pieces of frozen Broccoli, Cauliflower and Brussel Sprouts. These have dynamite benefits.
We incorporate all of these everyday (365) in our high speed blending mix.
Incidentally in our daily smoothie routine we make sure that we observe the 40-30-30 fat and plaque burning principles by incorporating a balance of carbs, protein and fat in the mix and this is rather easy to do.
I think the worst thing anyone can do is load a smoothie up with carbs from fruit only and disregard adding protein and fats.
When you concentrate the sugars of fruit only you are going to rev up the fat and plaque storage hormone insulin and as we know this is not smart.
We have a theory mentioned above that states a balance of carbs, protein and fat at every meal and snack will have a profound ability to not only burn fat off of the adipose areas, but the same fat on your hide is the same fat that resembles and accumulates in your arteries, lymphatic network etc.
We believe the balance will eat away these accumulations. Balancing nuts and seed, an apple or a banana etc. with some whey protein along with some of the veggie protein will create a fair balance.
So in this case you are getting the powerful anti-oxidants of the veggies and the 40-30-30 more or less balance in the same drink.
We go into detail on the theory above in another feature that you should check out
It could be one of the most important piece of reading material you will ever explore.
In keeping with our desire to have a balance at every meal and snack we add nuts, walnuts, pecans, almonds and brazil nuts a couple each and we throw in a couple of table spoons of brown and golden flax seed (that we blend for diversity) as well as some sesame seeds that we avoid putting through our coffee grinder in the morning on our cereal as sesame seeds gum up the machine, but not the blender.
Let me list the components of our daily smoothie. A full Vitamix (The Vitaprep 3 HP blender) of loose veggies etc. gives my wife and I a full glass of smoothie each. Sometimes there is a little more than 2 glasses we either try to find someone to share it or just dumping it.
It is not much. I wouldn't save it in the fridge as the magic is short lived.
You could consider freezing it in cubes and using it in your next smoothies.
We have cut back the amount of drink as our bowels did not accept a full glass
of a smoothie every day. We are using about a 1/2 a glass of mix and that
seems to be working well.
Ice cubes and iced products are important in smoothies not just to enjoy a cold drink but ice protects the product from overheating.
High speed blending generates a lot of heat, heat degrades the product as it has a negative effect especially on the enzymes by allowing the energy to prematurely expire before it gets into the digestive system.
Here are the components. Our smoothies are dominant with green veggies, Kale, Swiss Chard, Spinach, Wheat Grass, Parsley, Arugula and
Sprouts. (We grow our own sprouts as well as some wheat grass as they are powerful live foods) In addition about
8 ounces of liquid, a glass of ice cubes, an apple, Delicious are great, some frozen raspberries, black berries, blueberries. Fresh strawberries or
frozen. We add a package of Stevia to sweeten up the mix and a couple of tablespoons of whey protein.
You should add a little ginger to a mix, great for your liver. We buy a root, shave the skin off of it, a spoon works pretty well too.
Cut it up into very small pieces, cookie sheet it and then put the pieces into a plastic container, freeze it and use it in the mix.
We use a piece about the size and thickness of a dime in a mix. We freeze and do the same with avocados, mangoes, peaches, pineapples, pomegranates when we can get them.
Freeze the pieces by putting them on a cookie sheet and then bag them up, they won't stick together this way.
Just a piece of each in each mix. You can buy some of the fruits mentioned above frozen in the market.
We have found that these products of the major companies like Dole etc. pick this fruit to perfection and freeze it pronto.
If we can't buy them fresh we again buy them frozen and actually believe the frozen products are better then trying to work off fresh fruit deteriorating in your fridge. Extra frozen product in a smoothie along with the ice cubes again protects the mix from the heat generated by a high speed blender, as heat can degrade the mix.
Don't forget to have on hand some frozen Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts and Cauliflower.
We just put a piece of each in the mix.
If you really want to do it up right....
Finish the whole shebang with a couple of dried prunes and about 3 tablespoons of yogurt. Prunes have the highest amount of anti oxidants by far of any other food.
Besides our smoothie we have a couple cut up on our cereal in the morning.
If you want to virtually eliminate the dreaded colon cancer you will go along way doing it with a couple or three prunes a day along with a daily smoothie. You will see a remarkable difference in your bowels and regularity.
As far as the yogurt, it is one of the power foods and the calcium on board is just what the Doctor ordered to buffer the total alkalinity in your body and there is nothing more important than that.
Lets look at some pictures of the components
On the left starting on the top you will see two halves of a piece of Aloe Vera.
The prickers on the sides have been removed. The gel will be sliced off of the leaf surface.
Don't use the leaves of Aloe Vera in a smoothie or anything for that matter.
You will see the different berries, black, blue, red raspberries, strawberries. There is a prune in there, some spinach and some broccoli sprouts on the lower left that we grow and store in the refrigerator after they sprout.
We do about enough sprouts to last a week. Right next on left of the sprouts is a piece of celery.
There is a cherry on the bottom and right under the aloe vera is a piece of avocado that adds to our good fat 40-30-30 regimen.
There is some frozen broccoli, cauliflower and a brussel sprout. There is a piece of ginger in there. Just about the size of a dime as it is potent.