Sun, Sardines, Salmon, Vitamin D3, Calcium and You.
A researcher at the University of California/San Diego stated "No other method to prevent cancer has been identified that has the powerful impact of Vitamin D3". Hey that is saying a lot.
"The Miracle Vitamin" "New evidence shows that getting enough D3 may be the most important thing that you can do for your health"
An Authority on the Sun
Michael Holick, M.D., PhD, is one of the world's
foremost authorities on Vitamin D3 and a full Professor of medicine, dermatology,
biophysics and physiology at the Boston University School of Medicine.
to Dr. Holick, “The notion that we have to protect ourselves from the sun all
the time is misguided and unhealthy.” And people who don’t get enough sun
exposure are at the greatest risk of being deficient in Vitamin D3. Dr. Holick gives some ominous warnings that Americans irrational fear of the sun
is causing thousands upon thousands of premature deaths each year. He supports
his warnings with clear-cut evidence from numerous epidemiological studies.
For instance, just a few study findings
show that:
27,500 American
women die prematurely every year from breast cancer caused by Vitamin D
deficiency, and according to Dr. Holick’s calculations 55 American women die
prematurely every year from breast cancer caused by underexposure to sunlight
for every one woman who dies prematurely from overexposure to sunlight
(non-melanoma skin cancer).
37,000 men die prematurely each year from prostate cancer, and this means that 55 to 60 men may die prematurely from underexposure to sunlight for every one that dies prematurely due to overexposure. You are three times less likely to die of colon cancer if you have healthy levels of Vitamin D3 (40 ng/ml or more).
is Vitamin
Vitamin D3, Chole-calciferol, is a fat-soluble Vitamin. It is found in food, but also can be made in your body after exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Vitamin D exists in several forms, each with a different activity. Some forms (Vitamin D2) are relatively inactive in the body, and have limited ability to function as a Vitamin. Check your Vitamin D in your multiple supplements a good percentage of them have ergo-calciferol which is Vitamin D2 and again is inferior to Vitamin D3 Chole-calciferol. The liver and kidneys help convert Vitamin D3 to its active pre-hormone form to 1-alpha-Hydroxylase. Vitamin D2 is derived from plants and a radiation process, Vitamin D3 is derived from lamb, wool etc. and duplicates the Vitamin D3 that is produced with the sun and cholesterol as cholesterol is the pre-cursor to the manufacturing of Vitamin D 3. It is not by chance that Vitamin D3 is referred to as Chole-calciferol and it contains the first 5 letters of Cholesterol. More on this below.
The compound we call
Vitamin D3 can no longer
properly be considered a Vitamin although it is stated that it starts out as a
Vitamin. For most mammals, it is not in any sense even
a nutrient. Nevertheless, Vitamin D3 resembles true Vitamins inasmuch as humans
-- who are cut off from the critical solar ultraviolet wavelengths by reason of
latitude, clothing, or shelter -- depend on an external source of the substance,
just as they do for the true essential nutrients.
As we know the sun is part of the manufacturing process of Vitamin D3 when ultraviolet rays hit the skin. This journey from the skin to the liver and back to the kidneys for another conversion to (1-alpha-Hydroxylaseis) a sophisticated process and is explained below to the best of our ability.
above is very important to understand or at least to the best of our ability as
we are talking a very complex process. Keep in mind in the manufacturing
process when the ultraviolet rays hit the skin, the quality of the process goes
farther than the suns role as important as it is. Lymph fluid traveling
close to the skin has a pivotal role in the transportation of this magical
process and to go one step further the quality of the lymph fluid itself will
determine the degree of success of the process. Lymph fluids you will read
below is comprised of fatty substances and perhaps one of the reasons
Hippocrates referred to it as "White blood". In fact above in
the feature you have read
"Vitamin D3, Chole-calciferol, is a fat-soluble Vitamin."
There are good fats and bad fats and my guess is the body will use whatever fats are available. Unfortunately Garbage in, garbage out as the saying goes. Bad fats used in the process are basically sticky substances and for the most part insoluble, so the garbage in, garbage out theory may have to be modified to garbage in, some garbage sticking around, like in the infamous plaque problem.
Good fats, as in fatty fish,
sardines, salmon, nuts, olive oil and seed we believe provide not only the best ingredients
for the process, they are soluble to a large degree, but they also compliment the suns role in the manufacturing
Vitamin D is best produced by the Sun and the best choice over supplements. Vitamin D has so many benefit we can't even begin to enumerate them, from bone loss to your immune system and in particular your lymphatic system. The sun is an Alzheimer's crusher.
The fact is that Vitamin D dictates not only the absorbability of calcium in the intestines, it controls all the calcium in the bodies functions including the brain. This was our personal practice and learning 101 in our agricultural career. Calcium content in the soil was the microprocessor for all the minerals in the soil and their individual electrolyte functions as well as hormone production.
It has been recently revealed that it is calcium deposits in the brain that could be the responsible villain in Alzheimer's disease. They know it is deposits and calcium is notorious for unwanted deposits. We all obtain calcium in various ways. Some calcium especially where there is an abundance of Vitamin D3 intake and magnesium will be properly absorbed and properly metabolized. This is why I subscribe to Sardine intake with its total compliments. Tuna is a good source of vitamin D and calcium if they do not remove the bones. Most Tuna retains the pin bones (More below)
This process can be easily compared to a combustion engine. Some engines are fine tuned and burn the majority of the fuel it uses. Some engines are out of whack and wastes are produced and accumulated in the engine parts. The body mechanism is not any different. I might say that the type of fuel used in an engine is similar to the fuel we ingest for our engine.
There are situations in bone loss cases where the body is not obtaining enough calcium and actually cannibalizes the bone matrix of the patient. This generates a very significant source of calcium and the nature of this product is devastating to the body and a perfect storm for unwanted calcium accumulations. I happen to believe this is a arthritis thread.
Few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Sardines which have an abundance of important nutrients, including potassium, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-12, iron and calcium in the tiny sardine bones, are a good source of vitamin D. I personally eat 3 to 4 full cans of Sardines a week, about 4.25 ounces at a sitting and in fact for 1 lunch a week I take a full can, chop up the sardines and combine them with a can of Progresso soup either the Manhattan or New England clam chowder. It is a delicious treat with all the nutritional trimmings.
There is also a cholesterol issue as covered above. cholesterol plays an
important role in the body, it can also be a problem especially if it is damaged
as in meats with its fats cooked at high heat. Now how the sun handles
damaged fats boogying around in your lymph system, again very close to the skins
surface, we do not know and in fact our research has not come up with
connection yet that is.
We have our personal theories regarding cholesterol where we feel
the medical community pays more attention to the total cholesterol readings
versus the state of it. My guess is their premise is most folks walking
through their door breaks every rule in the book concerning the foods they eat
and the way they prepare them so the only avenue they have is to lower the
cholesterol and cross their fingers. I personally believe that oxidized
cholesterol is far more dangerous even when it is lowered artificially than high
levels of Cholesterol that is not oxidized. In fact my cholesterol
250 plus does not lead me to lowering it artificially simply based on no
evidence of heart disease through heart tests that I have taken and monitoring
my blood pressure along with weight control. You will also read that I
follow what is called the Mediterranean diet that is considered "heart healthy"
There are those that believe high levels of cholesterol may be consumed effectively with the right conditions and lowering the levels could be wrong. I am in this camp.
There are alternatives
to Vitamin D3 without sunshine. Foods and supplements with Vitamin D3 can
be effective to some degree and in some cases may not be effective at all.
On the other hand it is very possible as in food itself that
Vitamin D3 diversity is very valuable in confronting the complicated and diverse problems
we face in our health. So excluding any
source of Vitamin D most likely
would be a mistake, especially the sun as long
as you do not overdo the intake.
It is written that you cannot over do Vitamin D intake via the sun and I believe
that. Of course you can over do sun intake, but yet we have recently read
that during the flu season and even having flu symptoms that taking anywhere
from 10,000 IU's to up to 50,000 IU,s of Vitamin D for a short period is not a
problem if your test warrants it. I personally have a problem ingesting that much D in
supplemental form, but would increase my sun intake to more than the 15 minute
exposure that we are told can manufacture 10,000 to 20,000 IU's of D in a
relatively short time. Now if I were
to design a sun approach to my D intake, I would try to get at least 15 minutes
to 30 minutes of sun, twice a day and with as much body exposure as possible.
This would be done in the morning perhaps around 9 a.m. and sometime in the
afternoon, like around 4 p.m., although there is a school of thought that
says exposure to the sun closer to the solar noon time period would yield
optimum results. Keep in mind that keeping your skin to a
little less than a pink blush is a good barometer. Red would mean over
doing it. Never burn from the sun. People with a nice tan cannot
expect to see a pink blush unless they have taken in a huge amount of sun and
that would be a mistake. If you have a nice tan because of your bodies
ability to generate a tan, don't over do it. Don't look for pink if you
have a decent tan.
PLEASE NOTE: By the action of UV light in sunlight on cholesterol molecules that have “risen” to near the surface of the skin vitamin D3 is formed. Therefore, it is suggested that people should not shower immediately after being in the sun, but wait at least ½ hour for the new vitamin D3 to be absorbed deeper into the skin.
Cholesterol's connection to vitamin D is intimate.
It is the synthesis of cholesterol that ultimately provides for the synthesis of vitamin D, and it is cholesterol-rich foods that provide the dietary sources of vitamin D during times of the year when it is impossible for us to make our own.
Vitamin D is not one more reason to consider cholesterol good for the body.
The days when vitamin D is seen as a unifunctional vitamin responsible simply for calcium metabolism and bone health are quickly disappearing into the annals of history. Vitamin D is quickly being recognized as a hormone with myriad important roles in the body -- and thus credit for each of those benefits of vitamin D falls back on its close relative and precursor, cholesterol.
The lesson? Lots of sunshine and cholesterol-rich foods are good for you. If you skip the cholesterol and take vitamin D supplements, make sure they are vitamin D3 and not vitamin D2 -- and you can thank our favorite molecule that provided the precursor for the vitamin D in your supplement.
As we have stated the sun is the best
source of Vitamin D3 and the amount of Cholesterol cruising around and in the
skin area plays not only in the importance of Vitamin D3 production, the amount
of Cholesterol has a bearing on how much sun exposure is needed. Our
Website indicates our personal skin cancer concerns of sun
exposure. We try to obtain at least 20 minutes of sun exposure a day and
do it with a minimum of clothes covering our skin as well as nothing in sun
screen. Men can easily take their shirts off to get good exposure, women
have a little more of a challenge. We recommend women wear a halter type
of a garment to obtain upper body exposure. We also borrow a page from one
of our Maltese dogs that had a habit of not only seeking sun exposure for at
least 20 plus minutes a day, but had a regimen of turning her body every 5
minutes 90 degrees to obtain a complete body exposure. Just sitting down
in a chair facing the sun and not changing position just doesn't cut it.
We have a concern with the granular/powder/pill forms of Vitamin D3 even if it states that it is the preferred Chole-calciferol as far as ineffectiveness and toxicity. They are concentrated substances. It is nothing to find 1000 IU's on a product label, some as high as 5000 IU's. Then you may look at a label of another product you take and that could have 800 IU's in it.
In addition, you may believe as I do that receiving your Vitamin D3 or at least the majority of it by the sun provides many benefits via the skin and in particular the role of cholesterol, triglycerides and much more that are processed by the skin along with the synergy factor of everything working together. Now if some one can convince you that oral intake of vitamin D3 can accomplish the same without going through the sophisticated sun process be my guest, but don't try to convince me of it. I spent 50 years working with plants and the photosynthesis process and to eliminate the sun from ones health regimen would be the same as loading up on supplements in the dark. Try keeping a plant in the dark and feeding it all you think it needs and see what happens to that plant in a short time.
If you study the photosynthesis process you will find that nutrients are delivered to the surface of the leaves via the roots that have stored it. The sun processes this activity and sends a product back to the root zone for a nap each night, only to have the process cranked up the very next day. Now if you can't relate this plant/leaf process to your skin process and your roots perhaps you should go back to bed.
We do bring out the synergy of certain foods in relationship to sun intake, certain fish, nuts and seed with their beneficial fat. Remember lymph fluid, a good part of it, traveling very close to the skin with its milky white fatty substance works again in synergy with the sun. Again keep in mind that Vitamin D is fat soluble. We know what soluble is, but do we relate soluble to fat? You know how hard it is to scrub chicken fat or lard off of a skillet. Good fats as stated below are soluble. Just observe how easy it is to clean a plate with olive oil residue on it.
We believe that what goes into the Vitamin D 3 process from the condition of the
skin relative to UVB ray uptake, to the foods that are associated with Vitamin
D3, the health of your lymphatic network, your exercise
and much more will have an influence on the quality of the ultimate hormone that
is the finished product that is sent back into the system. This is a
fascinating process where the liver (using cholesterol as one of the
major ingredients) and the final destination from the kidneys that throw off the
magic hormone that is produced and circulated in the revolving door that goes on
24/7. Now how lacks you can be, how consistent you maintain this quality
source of ingredients is questionable. All I would say is ask a good wine
maker, how slack he can be in producing a good bottle of wine?
From what we have researched if you use the powder/ granular/pill form 2000 to 4000 IU's of Vitamin D 3 a day from all sources for an adult should be sufficient, but without a blood test periodically to see how much you actually have is really being in the dark. Most Doctors that are up on this Vitamin D3 issue like to see your 25 hydroxy level between 40 and 60. There are medical people that like to see levels of 70 ng/ml for those who have a cancer concern, either preventative to remission or actually battling an on going problem.
My wife and I take in a generous amount of Vitamin D in various forms, sun, supplements and food sources yet both of us come in at around 50 ng/ml. We believe as in other stabilized conditions in the body Vitamin D levels stabilized at 50 ng/ml is optimum. Pumping up levels with excess amounts of Vitamin D is questionable and I would search for ways to stabilize my levels through lifestyle changes. You can start with the Mediterranean diet.
Fish Oil
Oh boy does this bring back memories for me when my Mother God Bless her used to shovel a big tablespoon of cod liver oil down my gullet every day. 70 years ago people were worried about rickets. She used to grab me by the neck and say "open up". I can taste it now 70 years later, not that it is still repeating on me.
Fish oil
has so many beneficial properties heart, cancer etc. via the superstar
Vitamin D3 and of course receiving it in the natural form via the fish itself is
the optimum, although the concentration in a good Super Omega 3 EPA/DHA
oil supplement must be considered. My wife and I each take in two capsules, total 2000 mgs of a wild fish oil concentrate every day. There
is not a large amount of Vitamin D3 in Fish oil capsule products. In fact
there is not a great deal of Vitamin D3 in fish (about 40 IU's per ounce of
meat) I believe that the compliments (calcium etc.) and quality is more
important than the quantity.
We favor Life Extensions fish oil product with Sesame lignin's and Olive fruit extract as poorly manufactured oil can go south (degrade) and we trust Life Extensions to provide us with the best. If you are on anti-coagulants or fiber supplements you should consult your Doctor before using them.
For those in the northern climates with little sun exposure for months they really should consider the potency of a good slug of Cod Liver oil a day.
Agricultural parallel
Our experience in agriculture with the sun can very well draw a
parallel with
the human body. Plants showed a dramatic negative consequence when there was deficient
sun light available for the photosynthesis process regardless of what
nutritional program we were practicing. The body as in plants have
backups, but these backups are not the optimum and when it comes to health we
going to seek out the optimum.
The major biologic function of Vitamin D3 is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D3 aids in the absorption of calcium, helping to form and maintain strong bones. It promotes bone mineralization in concert with a number of other Vitamins, minerals, and hormones.
In agriculture we referred to calcium as the regulating mineral that as in human terms, controlled and regulated hormonal levels that had a direct bearing on reproduction and the general health of the tree/plant.
There is a direct parallel to the
sun with the human body and the photosynthesis process of leaves,
transporting a concoction back to the root zone at night and resurfacing
with a special formula (A hormone) the next day when the sun through osmosis transports this
material back up into the tree. The bodies osmosis process is the
Lymphatic network with a fascinating processing ability in the lymph nodes (The
so called garbage cans.)
Vitamin D3, bones can become thin,
brittle, soft, or misshapen. Vitamin D3 prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, which are skeletal diseases that result in defects that
weaken bones.
The surprising benefits of calcium:
You know you need it for strong bones, but calcium protects your health in other important ways, too. Here is what this amazing mineral can do for you.
Calcium Functions
Calcium is responsible for construction, formation and maintenance of bone and
teeth. This function helps reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis.
Calcium is a vital component in blood clotting systems and also helps in wound healing.
Calcium helps to control blood pressure, nerve transmission, and release of
Calcium is an essential component in the production of enzymes and hormones that regulate digestion, energy, and fat metabolism.
Calcium helps to transport ions (electrically charged particles) across the
Calcium is essential for muscle contraction.
Calcium assists in maintaining all cells and connective tissues in the body.
Calcium may be helpful to reduce the incidence of premature heart disease,
especially if adequate intakes of magnesium are also maintained.
Calcium may help to prevent periodontal disease (gum disease).
Calcium helps keep the weight off.
Research suggests that if you don't get enough calcium in your diet, you're
likely to be overweight.
The reason has to do with your body's response to a calcium deficit.
When you're low, your body thinks you're starving and enters emergency
For our full feature on calcium
Heart Health
The relationship of the best
Vitamin D3 foods that happens to have a
generous compliment of minerals and essential fatty acids are not by chance and
directly related to
heart health that includes keeping the tributaries of the cardiovascular system
open and is well documented. You can't find a medical person in the world
that does not prescribe to the heart health benefits of Fish and Fish oil.
I suspect that it is the end product as detailed
below after is it is processed by the liver is where heart health begins,
along with the physical exercise, lets not forget about that. Vitamin D3
alone doesn't cut it. Keep in mind this very important fact and that is
the role exercise plays in moving
fluids throughout the body and it can only be achieved mechanically. Doing
little windmills with your arms for instance on each side of your body
dramatically moves lymph fluids along with the magic of Vitamin D3 in and out of
the very critical complex of nodes under your arms and yes gals your breasts.
It is recommended that this procedure is
done in an inward fashion where the inside of the arms start at the front of the
breasts at the nipple, proceed along the sides of the breasts and immediately
under them where the critical lymph nodes reside and gently compress the area inwardly toward the
sides of the chest/thoracic areas.
Of course this should be cleared by your Doctor and/or lymph specialist
especially if you are under any health threat. Moving lymph fluid in any
way you can efficiently through the many channels is very beneficial and in fact
I have questioned whether breast issues are brought on by a faulty lymphatic net
work and in the case of the breast this would include the axilla areas adjacent
to the breast. These are the first areas (the nodes) that are
subject to removal to see if cells have infiltrated the breasts. If they
have infiltrated the nodes this indicates the possibility of migration into the
body itself.
Vitamin D3 suppresses inflammation and inflammation and the wastes that accompany it are the roots of most cardiovascular problems and cancer too.
I might add inflammation in the gum areas brought on by neglect is something
very important to stay on top of and in one of our features on periodontal
health care we recommend at least one visit a year to a periodontist
for a more aggressive cleaning, in addition to 2 or 3 cleanings by a
qualified technician in between. Let's face it the less inflammation you
have terrorizing your body the more effective the Vitamin D3 will be to take
care of the other issues going one.
It is important to add the critical nutrition consideration there is with adequate mastication of your food. We have written in other features regarding the use of 3 horsepower blenders rupturing small seeds as in berries to release the incredible powers that they have regarding health. As we know seed possesses the secret of life. This magic can save life, no question about it because the blending of food work .
it isn't practical to rupture all of your seeds and fiber as high speed blender
do and isn't necessary either. On the other hand swallowing your food with
half chewing it really misses an opportunity, because well masticated food does
yield more nutrients and these nutrients and anti-oxidants are just anxiously
waiting to hop aboard the Vitamin D3 bandwagon.
CHEW YOUR FOOD, the more the better!
There have been recent studies that were initiated to continue the ongoing
research into bone loss and Vitamin D3 and inadvertently they discovered that
Vitamin D3 was a powerful cancer preventative and in particular for
elderly women who they were studying for the bone loss issue. In fact it
prompted a researcher at the University of California/San Diego to say "No other
method to prevent cancer has been identified that has the powerful impact
of Vitamin D3". Hey that is saying a lot. Laboratory, animal, and
epidemiological evidence suggest that Vitamin D3 may be protective against some cancers. Clinical
studies now show Vitamin D3 deficiency to be associated with four of the most
common cancers:
Bone loss
It is estimated that over 25 million adults
in the United States have, or are at risk of developing osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by fragile bones. It results in
increased risk of bone fractures. Unfortunately the operations such as hip
replacements, and knee as well set up a perfect scenario for dangerous blood
clots with the blood thinners and high powered drugs that are used following
these procedures. The sun, omega 3 fatty acids and on board calcium as in
Sardines and Salmon is what the bone Doctor ordered.
Vitamin D3 deficiency has been associated with insulin deficiency and insulin resistance. In fact, last year it was shown that Vitamin D3 deficiency is likely to be a major factor for the development of type one diabetes in children.
Progression of degenerative arthritis of the knees and hips is faster in people with lower Vitamin D3 concentrations. Again blood clots that can kill you following corrective procedures is a real motivator in doing Vitamin D3 etc.
and PMS
Infertility is associated with low Vitamin D3, and PMS has been completely reversed by addition of calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D.
Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder
Vitamin D in the adrenal gland
regulates tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate limiting enzyme necessary for the
production of dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Low Vitamin D3 may contribute to chronic fatigue and depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder has been treated successfully with Vitamin D3. In a recent study covering 30 days of treatment comparing Vitamin D3 and 2 hour daily use of 'light boxes", depression completely resolved in the D3 group, but not in the light box group.
Multiple Sclerosis, Sjogren's Syndrome,
rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis and Crohn's disease have all been linked with
low Vitamin D levels.
Single, infrequent, intense, skin exposure to
UV-B light suppresses the immune system and causes harm.
However chronic low-level exposure normalizes immune function and enhances immune cell production. This reduces abnormal inflammatory responses such as found in autoimmune disorders, and reducing occurrences of infectious disease.
Vitamin D3 deficiency has been linked with
obesity. Vitamin D3 has recently been shown to lower leptin secretion. Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells and is involved in weight
regulation. It is thought that the hormone signals the brain when fat cells are
"full," but exactly how the hormone controls weight is not entirely
Additionally, obesity by itself probably further worsens Vitamin D deficiency due to the decreased bioavailability of Vitamin D3 from skin and dietary sources, because of its being deposited in body fat. (36)
Syndrome X
Vitamin D deficiency has been clearly linked with Syndrome X. (21) Syndrome X refers specifically to a group of health problems that can include insulin resistance (the inability to properly deal with dietary carbohydrates and sugars), abnormal blood fats (such as elevated cholesterol and triglycerides), overweight, and high blood pressure.
Thyroid Gland
We had an occasion where my wife's
thyroid levels had plummeted as expected after a procedure to disengage her
gland that had become unmanageable
with medication. During this period and a blood test it was noted
that her cholesterol levels had risen substantially. The Doctor
acknowledged it, but did not go into detail other than a cholesterol lowering
medication recommendation.
We researched it and found that it is normal for an individual with low Thyroid levels to produce extra cholesterol as cholesterol steps up and compensates in some way. I believe that it isn't the cholesterol itself that steps up, but the hormone that is produced by the Vitamin D3 process that we have referred throughout this feature.
So lets try to connect some dots here. Here your body detects a shortfall analogous to the body cannibalizing your bone mass because of the lack of essential minerals to try to maintain a healthy blood pH. In fact mineralization of your bone mass and Vitamin D3/hormones also has a direct correlation. In the case of the Thyroid one of the most important glands in your body again is supported by cholesterol that we know is the foundation of the Vitamin D3 process. So bingo we connected the dots.
Note: I find it puzzling that if the body is producing extra cholesterol why we would want to suppress it with medication unless the patient is at such a high cardiovascular risk primarily because of their terrible diet regimen of cooked foods. I don't subscribe to the theory that everyone that has elevated cholesterol is at cardiovascular risk and most Doctors will agree with that but quote statistics and you have to be conscious of statistics, but don't let them rule you.
I believe before anyone subjects
themselves to Statins they should have tests, stress, ultra sound, C
scans etc. to see if they have any degree of
heart disease. If you don't have heart disease what the hell do you want
to take Statins for? Prevention perhaps as long is the prevention doesn't
create undesired problems down the road.
In fact I believe that with cholesterols significant role in the Vitamin D3 process its entirely possible that simulating the process with the sun and specific foods may be utilizing this extra cholesterol and suppressing it may be counterproductive. Of course if you told this to a Doctor or that fellow on television pushing Lipitor they would suggest a funny farm for this old fruit peddler.
Speaking of this old fruit peddler, being that part of this feature is on my wife and my health regimen and at the expense of adding more reading than perhaps you can tolerate, I am still going to relate an experience I had just yesterday with a stress test. So bear with me.
I commented to the Dr. in my physical exam process that I hadn't had an EKG in the past couple of years and with the elevated Cholesterol relative to heart disease the Doctor suggested a stress test that is accomplished with some sort of an EKG reading. Hopefully in the process not killing 2 birds with one stone.
The stress test came out super and the Dr. commented to me as he elevated the machine and pumped up the speed of it to my heart rate of 140 bpm, how at 72 year old was I able to maintain such good cardiovascular health? As I continued the rather hectic pace but not out of breath at all I told him my secret "A diligent loving wife and the 3 S's Sardines, salmon and the sun, plus 35 years of playing competitive paddleball with 20 retired New York City cops and fireman who take no prisoners"
The week before I did get a blood test report that showed both my total serum and LDL to be elevated about 20% more than what is generally accepted before the Doctor hands you a script for Lipitor or something else. I have been reluctant down through the years to subject myself to statins with a Mother and Father that had high readings, never medicated and lived into their 80's.
On the other hand I can appreciate a physician prescribing cholesterol lowering medication knowing that the majority of his/her patients are not Vitamin D3 freaks and are sedentary. These folks may need Statins to stay alive. Just staying alive though is the line of least resistance. Let's face it your Doctor hasn't got the time to nurse maid all of his patients with micromanagement. Write a script and move em out, because the next patients is on their way in.
Now there is a concern where the
individual does not support the Vitamin D3/hormone process and relies on pot
luck that will struggle to produce the compensating factor of cholesterol.
It is in this scenario where cholesterol can become the demon in its back up role,
because even with the compensation factor there is a down side as there is when
the body cannibalizes the bones. When cholesterol is being called upon to
compensate for a shortfall the source of the problem should be investigated. In the case of bones as mentioned above it can
derive the minerals it needs on a temporary basis, but we all know that an acid
condition produced by an imbalance is relative to bone problems and leads to the dihabilitating
osteoporosis. Relying on cholesterol in back up mode for a period of time
and not addressing the hormonal imbalances with an aggressive Vitamin D3 assault
is a mistake.
The Cholesterol connection
We have discussed the Cholesterol connection and its revolving door effect above. As we know the sun and Vitamin D3 plays a huge role in human health. We know that good clean Cholesterol uses Vitamin D3 in the process back at the liver. It can get by with other sources of Vitamin D3 like out of a bottle, but nothing compares to the optimization of the process that the sun provides. It is not how much Cholesterol that your body is manufacturing or taking in that the Doctors are obsessed with lowering, it is the quality of the Cholesterol. The medical establishment bases their Cholesterol lowering advocacy on the fact that their patients gorge themselves with damaged Cholesterol and guess what, they are right. Most people eat too much cooked food and not enough raw.
The question is how should elevated Cholesterol be treated lets say 200 or more in one that keeps their damaged cholesterol at a bare minimum? Is it possible that this could be a serious mistake if it is lowered? I think so!
Damaged CholesterolDue to the influence of heat, cholesterol in food is oxidized. Already at 100°C, cholesterol oxidizes 'spontaneously'. (19) Through oxidation, the cholesterol molecules gain or lose atoms, originating new cholesterol-like molecules.
Due to the influence of heat, approximately 30% of cholesterol oxidizes into oxy-cholesterols. About 6% of oxy-cholesterol is absorbed into the body. (20) ABSORBED INTO THE BODY
Essential Cholesterol
10 to 20% of the brain is composed of cholesterol. Thanks in part to cholesterol in animal food, humans are as intelligent as they are. Essential substances like the sex hormones and vitamin D are also constructed of cholesterol. Therefore it is absolutely not true that a low cholesterol level is healthier.
here is good question for you. If 20% of your brains consists of essential
cholesterol, do you want to subject it to damaged goods as in damaged
Cholesterol? I don't think so!
"An idle mind is the devil's workshop" And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.
Does it take a brain surgeon no pun intended, to come to the conclusion with all the facts above that Alzheimer's is linked to the way your foods are prepared or how they are not prepared? EAT RAW
Interesting feature on Cholesterol
Keep in mind the sun alone is not enough it must be combined with calcium laden foods with Omega 3 fatty acids. The combination of the 3 is awesome.
Incidentally my wife's knee and skeletal situation I believe can be attributed to the many years of a lambs hormone use for a low level condition, followed by the unmanageable period of post menopause. The lambs hormones worked to some degree, but the question is was it marginal? Now we are in the postmenopausal period where the hormones are still breaking our chops. We are supplementing with some Natural Progesterone and Estroil and some mild topical Estradiol that the Doctor prescribed for various conditions, but do it with extreme caution in view of the problems associated with unbalance and in particular Estrogen Dominance.
If you want the full poop on that check out our feature on Woman's Hormones's%20hormones.htm
Vitamin D Foods
The following foods have a generous amount of Natural Vitamin D 2's in vegetables and 3's in meat (Cheeses, yogurts, fish oils would be in the meat category.) Our research shows the 3's to be the most important, but I wouldn't rule out the 2's entirely. Again a diversity of Vitamin D sources may be very valuable.
Plain yogurt, 2%, Rhubarb,
Nonfat dry milk Collard/mustard greens,
Skim milk Kale
Buttermilk White beans
Mozzarella cheese, part-skim Beet greens,
Ricotta cheese, part-skim Broccoli,
Cottage cheese, 2%, Okra,
Pudding (with skim milk)
Parmesan cheese
Green beans
Lima beans Cabbage, Clams
Orange, 1 medium Sardines
Waffle/pancake Oysters
Tofu Salmon
English muffin Shrimp
Soybeans, Haddock
Corn muffin
Pita bread
Fortified whole wheat cereal
Corn tortilla
Whole wheat dinner roll
Brown rice
I would add nuts and seed to the above as the minerals along with the mono and polyunsaturated fat in these items as it is not by chance that Vitamin D3 is fat soluble, it is by design. You need a good moderate amount of good fats at every meal and snack as good fat rids the body of bad fat. This is one of the major principles of the zone diets and it works, I know from personal experiences. My fat intake some days could approach 50% of my caloric intake, but yet my triglycerides are in the 70's and we know the triglycerides measure the fat content in your blood stream. Good fats just for a quick review, Fish, Fish oil, nuts, seed and olive oil and a few more.
The Superstars
with a high Vitamin D3 content are also high in complimenting minerals and
essential fatty acids. I don't believe it is by chance that the best
Vitamin D3
foods have the complimenting minerals incorporated because they work in concert
with all of the elements involved in manufacturing not only vital
hormones, but hormones of the utmost quality. Take for instance Sardines
and Salmon, the two natural superstars of Vitamin D3. Sardines have a very
evident deposit of bones in them, the bones are soft and easily chewed and consumed. The canned Wild Alaskan Salmon has
what they refer to as pin bones throughout the flesh that when processed
dissolve, but the goodness
I was surprised to find out that some Atlantic Farm salmon had more Vitamin D3
content than any salmon including wild salmon.
Unfortunately because of the
size and the process the bones are removed from Tuna and for that reason I am
sticking with Salmon and Sardines although Tuna is still a great source of
Vitamin D3. Note: The wild Alaskan Salmon (Look for the Sockeye)
source we use has some variety's where the bones are removed and some that are
not. The canned Salmon has the bones quite evident in the flesh. This is our preference because we
believe as stated above that the calcium in the bones of a fish are more beneficial than what
comes out of a mine. While we are talking bones in fish, try to locate the
Angelo Pagoli brand. They are more money, but they are the gold standard
of sardines. Besides being real sardines as there are lot of so called
sardines that are not. Real sardines are deep water fish that escapes most
of the pollution, as the larger fish consume a lot of fish that are
Mercury laden. The best varieties come out of the Mediterranean sea
like off the coast of Portugal or Spain. When you open a can of Pagoli's
the first thing you will discover is the exquisite Olive Oil used in them, let
alone the mild taste of this wonderful health packed food. My personal
favorite sardines are the Portuguese Sardines (Bela-Olhão Ask for Bluegalleon.
They come in olive oil, lemon or tomato base. I prefer the olive oil but
the tomato is not bad. As far as price, believe it or not I can do better
at Whole Foods if they have them. Buy at least a dozen cans and ask for a
"10% case price discount" The store I go to brings the price down to
around $2.50 per can and of course no shipping picking them up yourself.
Pagoli's have a $2.69 special going on 6/22/12 but you will have to pay
Department of Transportation
The skin is one of the most important components of the Vitamin D3 process. In healthy skin there is a latent pre-Vitamin D3 material that is activated by the sun. So the garbage in, garbage out theory applies here. If you want the optimum Vitamin D transported to the vital organs for their necessary conversions you send the very best product to the skin that you can muster. You do this with the right nutrition mentioned above and all through this feature. It is only logical that the health of the skin is dictated from the right diet and hence the skin will reciprocate with an efficient pre-vitamin D 3 material again waiting for the sun to do it's thing.
So it is important to optimize the skins function and you can do this with some of the following recommendations and this isn't space technology it is just plain common sense.
1. Breaking out in a good sweat on a
regular basis. Sweating gets a variety of toxins out of the body through its largest organ,
Thus, the skin is the largest "detoxifying" organ in the body. Metals and
other toxins, especially nickel (known to cause cancer, sensitizing dermatitis, pneumonitis, and allergic asthma), are driven out of the body in the sweat.
2. Exercising the skin (and lymph system) with different stretching and range of motion maneuvers.
3. Nurturing the skin with topical
applications with proven skin enhancing anti-oxidants. There is no
question that the healthier the skin the more efficient the Vitamin D 3 process
will be. There is also the possibility that the natural ingredients
incorporated in our AloePlus mix becomes integrated and aids in the latent
Vitamin D that is yearning for the sun to do its thing. Please check
out our Aloe plus feature on preparing your own skin cream out of an
excellent off the shelf product for the base, some proven added skin
enhancing anti-oxidants and home grown Aloe Vera. The link below will take
you through the entire process. Incidentally those pills you see in
the photo below are over the counter nutrients that are proven skin enhancers.
We just break them open and add them to the mix and blend everything together
with a blender, what else? In fact recently we just throw the pills
and tablets right in the blender and they are completely dissolved.
4. Last but not least is the sun itself. There is nothing that nurtures the skin any better than the sun even in the process of triggering off the latent pre-hormones residing in the skin, that perpetuates the Vitamin D3 process. I say perpetuates because it is difficult in my research to determine if there is a starting point. In fact my revolving door theory does not observe a starting point. It is a just an ongoing affair and how good it is depends on you. People who are half dead still produce needed hormones to some degree, but just like some who are starving with little food they soon expire.
In fact after Omega 3 fatty acids and minerals in particular calcium as in
the bones in fish are digested they then travel throughout the body
and in particular toward all organs including the largest organ in the body, the skin. If
there is an adequate amount of sunlight exposure you have the perfect scenario,
the perfect integration of the foods that have a propensity to become full blown
Vitamin D3 components and along with the vital role the lymph network serves.
Testing for Vitamin D3
Quote out of Life Extensions in
their Sept 07 monthly publication states "Given the vast benefits of
Vitamin D
for cardiovascular and whole body health, ensuring optimal Vitamin D status is
an essential part of every wellness program. The best way to know your
Vitamin D status is to have your Doctor measure the blood level of
25-hydroxyVitamin D not to be confused with 1,25 dihydoxyVitamin D. Most
experts believe a level of the 25 hydroxyVitamin should be at a minimum of 40
ng/ml." 50 to 70 ng/ml. is even better.
Warning... I just had a blood test taken where I specifically requested the 25 hydroxyVitamin D test to be included and instead they did the 1,25 dihydroxyVitamin test. I don't understand the difference, I only know that all of the experts on this subject recommend the 25. I will have the 25 taken and sent to a lab in the next couple of months that do the 25. Here you have a situation in the Northeast where people are chronically deficient in Vitamin D and yet some labs up there don't even know what the right test for it is. Don't go by me, go by the Readers Digest and hundreds of credible articles on it in the Internet.
My wife recently had her 25 done and she was over 50 ng/ml. Now she does not get anywhere near as much sun as I do, but yet it appears her dietary intake of Vit D3 is enough to put her over the top at least as far as measurement. I still hold on my theory that the quality of Vitamin D derived from the sun is the preferred source of Vitamin D. Just the process of the skin, the conversions, the cholesterol utilization and so much more in the sun process, cannot sway my thinking. Now if you are limited to the availability of the sun, supplements are better than nothing.
Interesting link on supplemental Vitamin D3 versus sunshine that you should read if you rely entirely on supplements or for that matter rely on them at all.
Another great article from Dr. Mercola on Vitamin D 3 link below 10-10-09
Great Vitamin D article from Dr. Andrew Jones Woman's Health Inst. below
Excellent feature on how much Vitamin D3 you need and sun exposure.
A great line on Calcium and the Sun below
This information is intended to heighten awareness of potential health care alternatives and should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.